Trump said some Americans wear masks to “signal disapproval of him”

On March 14, the White House announced that Trump tested negative for COVID. And there was a second negative result was announced on April 2.

Theory: Trump had it, but had an extremely mild or asymptomatic case. Which is why he doesn’t care about masks or hygiene or social distancing. He’s currently immune. And since COVID doesn’t affect him, and since he can’t empathize with other people (who, you know, aren’t immune and are reasonably scared shitless of getting it and dying or spreading it to their loved ones), he sees every safeguard as a personal attack:

Masks? You hate me. Stay-at-home? You want the economy to fail to make me look bad. Social distancing? You’re a snowflake who doesn’t believe what I say.


“As they grudgingly follow requirements, some Trump supporters say, a mask with Trump branding somehow eases the blow. Like a MAGA hat, it also invites a reaction, signaling membership in a controversial tribe. (That could be why, as a campaign spokesperson confirmed, the Trump campaign plans to hand out branded masks to supporters: “It’s a good way to stay safe and show your support for the president at the same time.”)” -Politico

Warning: Politico header for that piece is rage inducing.


Talking of facemasks, I just got a package in the mail today.

I’ll have Trump running to his bunker again


DIY it! Find any plain light-colored mask & a sharpie, and write it!


Don’t limit yourself to just one; see how many you can slap on your melon. Everyone should wear two masks so that there’s no doubt who hates him.

Bonus: the people who are anti-mask will go apeshit.


Has there ever been anyone more narcissistic and self absorbed as that man? Maybe. But I don’t believe there’s ever been someone more public about it.

Hey, little big man, you don’t have to look for masks to find people who disapprove of you. Just walk out your fucking front door.

Thanks for reminding me of another song to add to a Trump playlist.

I assume Trump hasn’t watched Supernatural, or he’d be seeking out Pestilence to head up the CDC.

As for Famine being unlikely, I’m not so sure when the 2nd wave of COVID hits and things shut down again.

I expect that’s also how the other dictators of the world feel about him.


They won’t work and they’ll be made in China - I’m sure his daughter could get some sweatshop kids to run a few up.


his covid-denier signaling is going to stop working about 2-3 weeks after his conventions with former supporters gasping for air in the ER and having to wait hours or days for a freed ICU bed

death is not the worst outcome from this, you can suffer badly for weeks, months, with lifelong complications - notice how the media never covers that angle? because it’s not an easy stat spoon-fed to them


Great Unclean Trump


It is unlikely you were the vector. From your description, you had a classic bacterial pneumonia that developed an empyema - rare for that to be from viral pneumonia, though possible. And that development has not been common in covid19 infections.

For more assurance you could nab your medical records, look at the descriptors of your chest xray and CT, as well as some of your blood tests, and compare those to common findings in covid19 (bc those findings are usually different for certain tests than in bacerital pneumonia).

An antibody test could also provide some insight into whether you have had the infection, but the tests aren’t perfect.

Combine all of these, and you’ll have a pretty good case that you were Not the vector!


Total side note but there are some promising projects going on for local modulation of iron metabolism in diabetic limb wounds. With diabetes there’s a bit of a miscommunication in the normal wound-healing process, where usually the lack of local oxygenation would set off alarm bells that recruit blood vessel-making cells to bring oxygen back and let things heal. Agents like deferoxamine might help with that, but it must also be noted that this is an area of active research and doesn’t rise to the level of established medical practice.


How in the fuck can someone physically this narcissistic even exist?

How does his “brain” even not implode on itself?

Holy hell, I’ve heard some unfathomably stupid shit from this man, but this blows it all away. Just incomprehensable how deluded and narcissistic he is!


That super-genius AZ sheriff who now has covid19 had to get tested prior to his appointment with Trump this week. So Trump must not have immunity or people going to visit him would not have to prove themselves virus free.

(is USA today a valid news source?)

I don’t think even Papa Nurgle wants that rancid pile of filth.


Santa said it best:


Not to be confused with the necrotizing fascist in the White House.


I wear a mask because I don’t want to unknowingly spread the virus to workers who have to be in a place all day. They are most at risk.
Now, my increased alcohol consumption is indeed a direct result of my disapproval of Trump. And at least 33% of my fellow Americans. :frowning:


My tin foil hat says there are other reasons for requiring visitors to have COVID tests before they can see the president: The most obvious one would be security theater, the appearance of authority and control – the president is so important you must jump through any number of hoops just to gaze on his glory.

Tomorrow’s rally of thousands in a crowded stadium is ground zero for possibly hundreds of infections. It just takes a few people who are infectious but don’t have symptoms yet. Sure, there’s an element of security theater (checking temperatures, signing waivers, etc.), but obviously the attendees can’t be verified as negative for COVID. Which makes me think it’s all for show – authority, control, power over other people.


Sort of. There are enough states whose primaries were binding that there are no paths outside of deep weirdness that can achieve that. His untimely demise is the least legally complicated path to that. I think there is some path if a majority of his pledged electors defected and accepted whatever their state penalty is for disobeying the primary and the RNC changed their rules to not bind on the first ballot, then maybe.


You think this song is about you.
I so wish they would play this at his Tulsa OK rally.

Edit: Bonus points if the local radio stations would play it during the scheduled rally intermissions