Trump says clips of Muslims cheering 9/11 exist because other people have seen them

I think he’s just an asshole.


I remember as brief clip on CNN of people cheering on Jersey Shore that day. What I remembr most was a late 70s station wagon behind them.

I have looked for that video and can’t find it.

It may have been shot in the middle east, but it seemed to have NYC in the background.

I imagine, like most of us that day, I was probably in shock.

Because it doesn’t exist.


Ha! I was just about to say, the irony of the Gaza footage being mistaken for the mysterious and elusive (a.k.a. nonexistent) New Jersey footage is that for a while the Gaza footage was also being mistaken for video taken in 1991.

Narcissim is a character disorder, not a mental one. Sorry to break that to you.

Not to mention that even if such footage did exist, it wouldn’t make the point he was making any less racist or justified.

We are all focusing on his imaginary footage rather then the crap idea he was trying to sell via his irrational argument in which he cited said imaginary footage.


Folks, it’s ‘Karl’, not ‘Carl’. [for some reason the ‘K’ just seems more ominous]


Why are we still rewarding that clown with attention?

"I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched 
in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people 
were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were

Did you take the brown acid, friend?

I ask, because you and he are not referring to the same videos


Really really do not want another season of Celebrity Apprentice. Seems a fair trade off?

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I DO remember Arafat and the weirdest thing of it was, was at the time that was aired, we still had absolutely no clue as to where either W. or Cheney was. They certainly weren’t saying anything.


Maybe your girlfriend has it?

We wouldn’t know her, as she is from Canada.


so you KNOW about a video, but you can only imagine about your own mental state?

Wow man, that’s not skilled trollin,

Maybe you got that backwards a bit?

Why wouldn’t there be a 70s station wagon in Palestine? It’s not like the Jersey Shore has a monopoly on those things.


It’s okay, go spend the time looking again, we’ll wait.


I think we are referring to the same videos, actually.

Trump is just hoping nobody remembers the context.

One that most politicians have.

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What, now you don’t like clowns all of a sudden?


One-trick clowns get old rather fast.

Yeah, read up-thread calls for psych evals. Trump’s a paragon of the jackass. But trying to fob his assholishness off on some disease both stigmatizes folks who actually fall within DSM definitions and gives Trump an excuse for his behavior, when in fact no one here* is qualified to diagnose him as anything other than what he is, a complete a total asshole utterly unqualified to hold public office.

*We might have psychologists here, but psych evals require personal interviews, not photo-ops.