Trump says Hillary Clinton is a 'bigot'

in what way is Hillary a bigot? citations please?


I think it’s actually another dog whistle, this time to that segment of white conservatives who believe that racism only exists because people keep talking about it, and therefore the real racists are liberals and minority groups, not white people who “don’t see color”.


How did it take this long? Republican projection has become a standard thing, where you chastise your opponents not for their faults, but for your own. Like attacking Kerry’s military record, and criticizing Obama for having too many terrorist attacks and creating the conditions that promote them, and talking about ACA death panels, and how global warming is just a scam for money, and so on and so on. Trump is just now getting with the program?


Too late, but well said.


“Hillary Clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future,” Trump said, reading from prepared remarks. . . to an audience composed overwhelmingly of white people.



Rob the troll, don’t feed it.


Whether or not the epithet “bigot” applies is to some extent a matter of opinion. But it’s completely factual to observe that she cynically uses black people as dependable Democratic party voters without actually caring what impact her policies have on their lives and livelihoods.

Remember, she began her political career as a Republican. Until she had to run against Sanders, she was consistently against welfare and other safety net programs (Bill Clinton’s welfare reform bill was terrible for black communities, and especially black women) and she’s always supported the tough-on-crime policies that have been devastating black communities and contributing to our horrific prison populations and prison conditions since her husband put them in place in the 90’s. She vocally supported those measures back then, and has supported similar policies ever since (again, until she had to run against Sanders).

Even if you personally don’t want to call her a bigot, it’s not much of a reach to make a case that she is. If she had a better track record on race, then I might object to the term as well. But as things stand, if the shoe only pinches the tiniest bit, you can probably still wear it.


No, that is still an opinion, not factual, and most certainly not based on actual facts in 2016.

Like Mr Trump, I don’t think you understand what the word bigot means. But feel free to agree with his driving trollies and namecalling.

Oh, wait, am I feeding the trolley, as well, by saying so? I guess I am.


Citations, please.

[quote=“nungesser, post:29, topic:84125”]
Like Mr Trump, I don’t think you understand what the word bigot means.[/quote]

According to google, pretty much no one understand what the word means.

Democrat partisans like yourself have absolutely no ground to stand on in terms of accusing people of driving trollies and namecalling. This whole election season has consisted of calling Trump and his supporters names like “racist”, “bigot”, “narcissist”, “psychopath”, “idiot”, “moron”…the list is endless. Liberal smugness is really ugly, and I’ve never seen it on such prominent display as in this election.

Unless you’re loudly repudiating this behavior from your side, accusing anyone of namecalling is as hypocritical as Trump calling Clinton a bigot.

Ah, “trolley”. Cry of the bigot (according to google’s definition of “bigot”).

Maybe you should try to be more tolerant of other people’s opinions.

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Man the view from Trumps glass house must be amazing. Then again its a great glass house, he has only the best glass houses with yuge rocks in them.


Yelling “BIGOT!” baselessly, like Mr Trump has done, is exactly what you did on this thread.

As you say, if the shoe fits a little bit…

But now you’re calling ME a bigot as well, so hey. Fun times.


Citations, please.

Also, citations for that last fact claim you made that you didn’t provide any citations for. (Note that when you asked me for citations, I happily provided one.)

Only in the sense that you’re intolerant of my opinion – according to google, that is a completely valid use of the term.

Using an ad hominem like “trolley” to try to dismiss my opinion fits the bill very well, I think.

In fact, you called me a “trolley” and then criticized me for agreeing with Trump’s name-calling. Doesn’t that strike you as the least bit hypocritical?

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The people who oppose racism are the real racists!


So, since I’m not voting for Trump. I can rest easy in the knowledge that I’m not a bigot. Cool!


I’m wondering when he’s going to address her VAGENDA of MANOCIDE!


Possibly not a bigot.

“If A then B” does not imply “if not-A then not-B”.


Come on. They couldn’t even use the obvious “Hellary” or “Hellabeast?”

If these guys don’t try harder, I’m going to think they’re idiots.


I don´t even want to know what a “vagenda” is. It sounds kinda icky.


It’s an agenda you do with your VAGINA!


I sort of wonder if the person who made that sign thinks her name is Hilda or Hildary. I mean, when did that D come from? Did he mean Hildebeest?