Trump seems to think Barack Obama is still President

I agree, though not that it’s the only reason. I think another is that corporate media want a horse race because that drives up ratings, and pushing the “old man Biden” story makes him seem more level with Tromp in terms of who’s going to win.


That’s my second choice, only because I already can’t stand the narrative that he was assassinated by the deep state in the prime of life when he could have lived, and served as president, for the next two-hundred years.

I also don’t want Never-Trumpers to stay home because they aren’t excited about Biden and haven’t been paying enough attention to Haley.

My first choice is that Biden wins decisively against Trumph. So decisively that even the New York Times has to work to make it a negative outcome for Democrats.
And maybe we even let the criminal trials finish, and Trump can spend his last few weeks in prison.


Of course they’re scared of Harris. But the other reason that they’re going with the “Biden is showing signs of senility,” is the Trump is so very obviously suffering from dementia. It’s alway projection and “I know you are but what am I?” with these guys.


You know what’s really gotten old? The weak-ass complaint about Biden being old, as if Harris doesn’t even exist and like there is no 25th amendment if he ever needed to be removed.

Do better BB; don’t be a part of the problem.


I’d even go so far as to say it’s disappointing.


Just adding to the chorus, here. Biden may be objectively old, but there is no evidence that he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Furthermore, even if Trump were entirely cognitively fit, he still poses an existential threat to our country and the overall stability of international relationships. Age is such a fucking sideshow of an issue here.

We are not voting for the lesser of two evils. Biden is a basically decent human being at heart, even if he hasn’t always been on the right side of history. He has shown a willingness to see reason and step out of the way of progress that is laughably absent on the other side of the aisle.

I feel like I’m losing my whole grasp on reality seeing the country lean toward Trump for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. Whether it’s the economy, the border, or Biden’s age which is such a stupid fucking lie I question the moral fiber of anyone mendacious enough to cite it.

I’m going to stop before I get even more apoplectic.



I mean, in one way he is - he’s pandering to himself. Just not consciously. He’s still so traumatized by Obama (and getting mocked at that dinner) that he unconsciously replaces Biden (and even Hillary) with him, so he can triumph against Obama in ways he’ll never be able to in reality. It’s clearly not a conscious thing, because the substitution makes no sense in most of the contexts even with the “Obama is secretly president” framing (because it’s discussing Biden in the polls, or things Biden has or has not said, or what someone said about Biden).

Trump was always out of touch, and doubly so now. It’s not like he could ever relate to normal people, plus he seems to be stuck in the '80s in a number of different ways. (On trade, for example, I’m constantly amazed that he’s so obviously stuck on his grade-school level understanding of trade issues that he publicly displayed back in the '80s: “We shouldn’t let Japan take our car manufacturing jobs.” Except he’s replaced “Japan” with “China” and “car manufacturing” with manufacturing in general, and has no apparent comprehension that the trade situation is completely different now.)


He was always running against Obama. It’s the reason he ran in the first place. His confusion is real, but it betrays his motives.


And should it ever come to pass where Biden or his advisors feel that his age is becoming a hindrance, he could also simply resign.


Not that I am disagreeing, but diagnosing at a distance is ethically problematic, and not terribly accurate. Would strongly suggest not indulging in this sort of thing.


He addresses that point, noting that while it isn’t a confirmed diagnosis, a diagnosis comes from observing behaviors and, then lays out his case of Trump’s behaviors pointing to early dementia. To repeat, I believe this guy has a bias, but his points seem sound. I would be interested in someone who could refute them.

As I said originally, it isn’t a confirmed diagnosis. However, if you had a loved one who were exhibiting such symptoms, you would be right to be concerned and have them evaluated.

Normally I would agree with you that we shouldn’t be speculating on someone’s mental health.

However, when that someone is an egotistical narcissist authoritarian who is pledging to surround himself with Project 2025 goons AND he might have dementia - I am going to make an exception. (And this moral high ground isn’t stopping right wing pundits from calling Biden’s brain mush, etc.)


Should he be evaluated? Of course, and if his family cared about him, they would be trying to make that happen. For the public, speculating on another’s mental health is uncouth and uncool. For a mental health professional, or any other medical professional, for that matter, it is unethical and unprofessional, and could potentially put licensure at risk. There are so, so, so many reasons to vote against Il Douche. We do not need to engage in this sort of speculation to make our point.


Would it matter if he were a perfectly sane, sound and rational fascist? The problem isn’t whatever his mental condition, it’s his fascism. Full stop. No need to try and explain the fascism away. Fascism is fascism, and isn’t rooted in some form of mental illness.


I’m not saying it is. Nothing I’ve said is blaming his opinions or fascism on his mental health.

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No and I didn’t say that, but I think that’s the ultimate conclusion many will reach (especially the media) and that is the problem. Even if it’s not the intention, it often creates a sense of lack of responsibility on the part of Trump, etc. We’ve been having this same conversation here for years now, of just how much that narrative is used to (implicitly) excuse the person committing the act of violence (whether direct acts of violence, or political acts of violence).


Exactly why it’s not germane to the conversation. He could be nutty as a fruitcake, and that still would not be the reason to not vote for him. His goals and ideas suck ass. That is sufficient. Then add in the whole “destroy democracy and take out my enemies” thing. Yeah, that’ll do.


Well stated, Doc. This!

It’s Super Tuesday.
I just voted (in Texas).
Here’s a handy roundup of those many reasons.
It is not a complete list, of course (note the date of publication):

January 20, 2021

Lest We Forget the Horrors: A Catalog of Trump’s Worst Cruelties, Collusions, Corruptions, and Crimes

The Complete Listing:
Atrocities 1 – 1,056


For a full, slow motion rundown, visit All the crimes, all the chaos, reported day by day. It is the ultimate dumpster fire of the 45 shitshow.


Isn’t it though? If it wasn’t germane, why was there even a BB post about Trump’s recent confused flubs?

I am not just talking Trump, but any president with dementia or some other debilitating disease that has progressed enough is not going to be able to fulfill their duties. Not just domestically, but as a projection as the “Leader of the Free World” and international foreign affairs.

I’ll grant you that politics will always distort and exaggerate any weakness, such as the attacks with Fettermann. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have people in government who, IMO, are remaining/have remained in positions past the point they should be to the detriment of running the government.

And to the specific relevance of Trump, if he is suffering from dementia and gets elected, IMO, it will result in an even worse administration than if he was not.

You’re right. And for you and I, his fascism and bigotry among other things is all the reason we need to vote him out. But for someone else, realizing he “isn’t all there” might be the reason they just stay home and complain about Biden for another 4 years. (Of course nothing matters to the people in the cult. He could be a brain in a jar with some googlie eyes stuck on it, and they would vote for him.)


PS I dunno if you have heard about how Biden is talked about by people like Mark Levin or Dan Bongino, but they amplify any and every gaff and make it sound like he is a drooling invalid who has no idea where he is and is steered around by handlers to recite something from a teleprompter. If he does well they give him some ice cream. They have zero qualms about out right lying about the situation, poisoning the air waves with rhetoric. All I am trying to do is present a qualified opinions on the observed behaviors with a healthy dose of a grain of salt.