Trump sniffed 58 times and slurred during Iran address, here's the supercut video

This is going to be one of those open secrets, isn’t it- like Reagan’s cognitive decline. It’s obvious to the casual observer, but there’s still a strange wall of denial around it, that will last until he’s safely out of office.




If not now, absolutely in the 1980’s, in his heyday. A vast mountain of snow, I imagine.

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Someone asked Carrie Fisher if she thought Trump’s constant sniffing during the debates in 2016 was a sign of cocaine use. “Definitely,” she said. “And I’m an expert.”

Lately, however, speculation that I’ve seen has focused on him snorting Adderall rather than cocaine. Unlike Ms. Fisher, I cannot claim to be an expert, but it does seem reasonable to think that snorting Adderall might cause a similar propensity to sniff.

That leaves the slurring, which is not typical of Adderall. There is, however, a conspiracy theory to the effect that Trump has recently had one or more ‘mini-strokes’ or transient ischemic attacks – there are apparently such a thing as ‘Trump stroke truthers’ – and some kind of stroke might well be consistent with slurring. (If he has a history of such strokes, it could also explain his reported anxiety about descending stairs – a prior stroke might have affected his balance or motor control – and might even explain the whole business with his doctor’s letter and his medical records).


Snorting Adderall is very unpleasant. Trust me.

If he did a lot of coke back in the day, snorting ritalin would be something like a revolution to him since it lasts much longer with a pharmacologically very similar high.


Something like 8 minutes. After making everybody wait about 30 minutes while they got their shit together. I smell a rat. Something was seriously off about today.


From your suspicions straight to his liver function/imminent failure (fingers crossed)…

Made me think of the Star Trek episode where someone thought modeling a regime on the Nazis would work out well only to be kept alive and drugged to make figure head speeches.

My dad started something similar many years ago. It was not a respiratory condition it was some of the first signs of dementia. He died of it a year ago. I am not kidding. This man might have early alzheimers.


I can understand your passion, and none of us are fans of the guy, but you can’t straight up call for murder like that. Especially when we don’t know you, so we don’t know your sense of humor.


So you know, that is a rare but well-known side effect for some people. I have the same problem, and like you, I figured out to never take it again. I don’t remember where I researched it, but it would have been legitimate medical research sites. It was comforting to learn that I wasn’t imagining things, it really did turn me into a very different person.


The gif at the head of this article is uncredited work - credit the creator


The gif at the top of this article is uncredited work by Zach Scott - credit him.


Psst-- as at most blogs, BB posters don’t take orders from the peanut gallery.

Also, welcome to Boingboing!


It helps to mention the author directly… @xeni see what @DGaff said about a credit.

Also @orenwolf as you have the power and usually respond.


Just a case of Perpetual Insniffllitus.



I second this motion.

Incitement to violence is wrong.

Jokes about incitement to violence are incitements to violence in a clown suit.

We, the decent, the humanists – we have to be above that. We can’t do that shit. It stains the soul.

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lol looks like they actually do - they changed the image and credited Fox News instead of just crediting the other guy. Good try though!

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Did you mean to be so insulting?