Trump spokesman angry at fact

Those pesky facts, so annoying. Trumpsters seem to have something in common. They have no soul and speak with the warmth and empathy of the Spanish Inquisition. Logic escapes them like gas erupting in the flames of the Hindenburg. Vapors. It is what Trumpsters are made of entirely. I only pray they disappear like vapors on a windy day after the election. poof


I would really like the networks and cable news to put out a statement that they are not going to interview Trump campaign spokespersons or campaign surrogates anymore. They refuse to answer questions, they tell ridiculous lies (like Obama invaded Afghanistan) and are openly hostile like this guy. It’s stupid and pointless, the viewers gain nothing and the actual news people probably hate doing it.

On the other hand, I do like seeing hosts and anchors calling these people out on their most outrageous lies. It’s good practice for them. Maybe some of these anchors, having practiced calling these people out a few times will be ready the next time some conservative candidate claims that cutting taxes will raise revenue and ask, “When has that ever happened? Because I’ve got the tables for the Reagan, Bush and Clinton years and it turns out cutting taxes reduces revenue while raising taxes increases it.”



My first impression of this guy is that he can’t be a real person. Does he have parents who are proud of him? Does he have a wife? A family? Would you have a second date with him? Hell, would you finish a first date with him?

Then it hit me. The campaign is the greatest improv/prank in history and Trump is just… nope. Not possible. Somebody would have broken character or blabbed by now. These people are real and this is really happening. Only by demolishing Trump on 11/8 can America redeem herself for letting things get to this point.


They didn’t have many sane and reasonable people to begin with, but what few there were have been bleeding off in droves. We’re down to the last few die-hards holed up in the bunker.


I’m sorry, I’m enjoying this gif way too much. But I think it fits the general noxious-ness of the subject matter pretty well.


And he’s proven the relationship is that of him being a petulant little boy and a woman who’s much more powerful and smarter than him.


It’s good to see Jeremy Piven working again.


Eww. He’s a Jewish lawyer. I feel embarrassed by association (and so do the people at the Forward, it seems).


He definitely has that “I’m too busy imagining a boot stamping on your face, forever, to pay attention to what you are actually saying” look to him.


You’re insulting both dumpsters and fires to an outrageous degree, and I, for one, am deeply offended.



Touche’, Madam or Sir!


Ted Cruz is the only Republican more unlikable than Trump, so he would be a great replacement.



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He is, in fact, an eerily perfect spokesman for Trump. His arrogant, bullying cluelessness in an accurate representation of the Trump campaign. He was certain the reporter couldn’t answer his questions- that she’d say something (the name of a media outlet, or possibly “the Clinton campaign”) that he could then spend minutes talking about, browbeating the reporter into backing down. This is not only ow the campaign works- it’s how Trump works. Ms. Clinton should take a look at this- it’s a perfect shutdown of the strategy.


There goes your candidate!

It appears to be cropping the image. You have to open it to see the whole thing.


Pity that he failed then, just judging by the portion of the clip posted.


My worry at this point is that Trump drops out of the race. After Trump even Cruz starts to look sane by comparison. So what I want is for Trumps rallys to be wildly successful. They give him the affirmation and approval that he so desperately craves AND they allow him to convince himself that he may win in the end. The combination should keep in in the race that he seems likely to lose by a huge margin.


That dead-eyed ass-clown is having an internal rage attack.

Probably an episode of rage that has lasted him most of his adult life.

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The GOP could run the reanimated ghola of Abraham Lincoln at this point and they still wouldn’t win the general election. There’s not enough time left for the Republicans to get a new ground game together and what little they do have is all built around the idea of running an “outsider” candidate. Trump’s base would revolt if they tried to replace him with an established politician, and nobody outside that base wants anything to do with the candidate they have now.