Trump: states should decide which bathrooms trans people can use

The point here isn’t whether or not the concept of states’ rights is a good thing, but whether he’s being contradictory. Its hardly even worth mentioning that his policies are regressive.


One mans nuance is another mans brain massage


Ha well put. I can’t remember where I read it, but he even admitted that he’s “been doing Don Rickles”. He was going to soften his campaign by channeling some other, more friendly, comedian.

This is all so much better than any reality TV he’s ever done. And personally I hope that by characaturing the American political process, we’ll all be better off for it when he’s faded back into being a run of the mill irrelevant short fingered vulgarian. One can hope.

Maybe, but I don’t think it’ll get better right away. Even if he shuts up and goes away (fat chance), I don’t think all the creepy crawlies he lured from under their rocks will do the same.


Trump, of course, fails the Turing test. The Turing test in this case being, would Alan Turing want to be in the same room as this man, or safely at the end of a long teletype line?


The advantage that Johnson has over Trump is that Johnson went to Eton, where pupils are taught the skills of “oiling”. This is the use of PR, doing favours and so on to rise through the system. The object is to get to high status in “Pop”, an Eton society whose name basically means “popularity.” It’s training for the outside world. If Trump had it, he would already have bagged the nomination and might well become President.
Johnson, however, seems to be forgetting it all as his gamble seems to be failing. His attack on Obama was pretty barrel scraping (and Obama made us realise just how small in stature all our local politicians are.)
We just have to hope that Trump keeps it up till the nomination and then melts down.

He’s legitimized it, he’s evolved playing the game so much people think he’s not playing the game.

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That anyone would consider his act “centrist” shows how hard-right the US political ecosystem and its fans in the media are.


a propos of nothing, I sometimes worry that my oblique references to related posts will not be apparent to everybody.


“The states should decide” is basically code for “I want my supporters to know they’ll get the policy but I don’t want to actually defend it”.

No one thinks it’s the states should decide if the states would disagree with them.


Trump syndrome:
A variant of Tourette syndrome: instead of expletives and nonverbal vocalizations, the affected must compulsively blurt out how great he is at every opportunity.


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