Don’t need to inject: fill a backpack prayer with Clorox, pressurize, open your mouth and spray. The convulsions should begin in ± a minute and last until the Corona virus and everything else is dead.
Surely at this point the Republican Party must replace Trump. This kind of abject stupidity is just not acceptable. America needs leadership to prevent tens of thousands of deaths. America can’t afford to wait until November to vote this lunatic out. It’s time to use the 25th Amendment to protect America against a deficient president.
I hate to expose anyone to Trump unnecessarily, but the synopses of these statements didn’t fully drive home the horror compared to seeing the actual video. It’s just stunning.
If you haven’t watched:
The ideas are insane, of course, but also the hubris of thinking that no one in the history of science and medicine has thought to simply “use a disinfectant.” What a great mind.
I don’t think they care about that.
It’s not an unreasonable question really, for a small child. I can’t wrap my head around this level of stupidity in an adult.
What’s the ETA for an explicit endorsement of “Miracle Mineral Solution”?
Sure, it’s Chlorine Dioxide bleach being shilled by someone crazy enough that he could no longer fit in as a scientologist; but what have you got to lose?
GOP: “I can understand your confusion, but the GOP does not represent ‘people’ per se. We are the minions and harbingers of the weakly godlike AI, DOW. You’ll want one of those human-oriented political parties.”
That heaving sigh from the doc.
chef’s kiss
He is completely incompetent. I hope a great majority of Americans see and believe it now. Wow, this is so bad.
That he is an idiot is, sadly, not really news (dog bites man story). These crazy briefings, however, are noteworthy. There’s another article in the NYT which depicts how he is unraveling, even more than usual.
And has anyone else noticed how badly his roots are showing in the video? I would hazard that not having his usual team of beauticians working on him is probably taking a serious psychological toll on him…
I heard that it gives you lots of energy.
Oh no. The right wing defense of this latest idiocy is in full swing. And anyone reporting what actually said is Fake News ®.
Good one.
Turned me into a supervillain.
Two levels of stupidity. First believing it may be a cure, second talking about it in public rather than asking one of his advisors in private. The level of stupidity isn’t that surprising even in an adult, that hecould be electged president in the worlds only superpower is.
What about car washes? Has anyone looked into that - running infected people through a car wash?
Good thing we have Carcinogenic-Wind-Farm-Woman to beat you!