Trump supporter really puts in the effort to maintain his crazy theories

May be some of the Tribe who’ve gone over to the crazy side, or could be the sort of Christians who support Israel as they’ve a prophecy all Jews must go to Israel before Jesus throws the kill switch and raptures the Fine People up to heaven.

After all, they are a T-shirt company that also sells motorcycles…


Welcome to my neighborhood. And the mental gymnastics/contortions my colleagues at work have to perform to explain themselves is truly an epic thing to witness. And there is NOTHING, NOTHING that can be said to counter. Since you don’t understand their “logic”, you’re the idiot. Anybody got a cave for sale?


i think, talking to my parent who’s a believer, there’s also a measure of the good old: they didn’t take care of themselves trope.

i’ll take zinc, i’ll stay away from anyone who’s coughing, i’m a good person who takes care of themselves ( even if they don’t really ) so i won’t get sick

see also “she fought cancer and won” - yes taking care of yourself helps, but it’s not a magic cloak of protection, you’re just a person like everyone else

and it’s that last part that sticks in people’s craw. everyone believes they’re above average, especially those who aren’t


i disagree. the reporter should have just pointed out those things were factually incorrect - for the sake of the record - and then moved on.

an interview isn’t a debate, and i would question why they chose to elevate this random human over actual people of influence, policy makers who do need push back.

it was easy for the reporter because there was no risk for the reporter of “losing access” the way there is for policy makers

imo, the reporter should have dismissed what the man said and kept it about sturgis - an area where that man is an expert


You don’t have to suppose. Witness the repubs response to HIV when it was thought “only gays get it.” Ignore, deny and hope it gets them all. This is only slightly different, really.


The CNN reporter asked him the same question 5 times, and his accident-addled brain was such mush he couldn’t even retrieve with the “correct” propagandistic response.


So much this.
Every time a ceRtain party says “but they’re to do X,” 9 times out of 10 it’s because they are doing X at that very moment, and assume everyone is because they are, and they can’t come up with an actual original nefarious deed to accuse with.

Just like whenever one of the patriots says “I’m staunchly against Y” you KNOW that they’re a closet Y-ist.
For example:





Many people who saw this video might think this is an isolated case of Trumpidity. It is not. I live in a red county and most people hear (i.e., well over half) would spout BS statistics, describe the recession and deaths on a Democratic Party conspiracy, and think that QANON really knows what is going on, etc.

If they ever do put Trump’s puss on Mt. Rushmore, I hope they get the Pinocchio nose right. :grin:

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Got to love those dishonest non-pictures where the models wear a blank item and they just past an image on.

Could only watch about half of this. Sometimes, watching people struggle with cognitive dissonance hurts me vicariously, which probably isn’t the best psychological quirk for a teacher.

Do they really suppose that a pandemic charade designed to defeat Trump would require people to get sick and die in Belgium? Seriously, if there’s an evil mastermind that good out there, maybe he needs to be president.


How typical of the destardly left to hatch a fiendlishly clever plot to steal the election by something something plandemic something something mail-in ballots, instead of for example putting up a good candidate.

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