Trump supporter really puts in the effort to maintain his crazy theories

Its fairly simple. The “I don’t dial 911” sign means that they fantasize about murdering minority “criminals”; the rebel flag represents their support of white supremacy; the flag of Israel represents hating Muslims; and the Trump signs represent all of the above



Everyone knows it was Pierre Beauregard who fired on the West Bank to begin the liberation of Israel.


Who gets first dibs at replaying this “interview” to that guy once the 'rona gets him.


You don’t have to guess. That’s basically what the White House did.

In the past couple of weeks, senior advisers began presenting Trump with maps and data showing spikes in coronavirus cases among “our people” in Republican states, a senior administration official said. They also shared projections predicting that virus surges could soon hit politically important states in the Midwest — including Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, the official said.


I love the moment (around 07:10) when Boris Sanchez (who really does a great job considering the answers he gets) asks if coroners in other countries are conspiring with US coroners.
See below for the best visualization I could find regarding the inside of Chris Cox …



And burnin’ libs is name of the game. It’s hard to tell how deeply these idiots believe what the profess. But they KNOW that asserting this stuff pisses off the people that they dislike and that’s enough.


It was planned because the predicted rates were higher than the actual rates??? and someone was in line and then left and was somehow counted as having covid?

he has all the talking points down that are all debunked and strawmanning - has anyone said “BLM shouldn’t care about the virus?” or “BLM isn’t going to get the virus?” and of course name checking ANTIFA and mail-in ballots…


Most of the people I know who define themselves “pro-life” are also strong supporters of death penalty.


Since advocating cruel legislation that is only going to affect impoverished pregnant women while denying education, birth control and childcare defines pro-life, no sane person should use the term. If you point out the facts to a Trumptard they will dismiss the facts as long as it “triggers the libs”.


Kudos to the interviewer for being a real journalist: the one that doesn’t accept the 1st bullshit reply but goes on and on with the question etc. when the interviewed dodges the previous questions or attempts to shift the subject. I’d like this happened more and more with other politicians, including during Trump “interviews” that very often end up being nothing but Goebbels style press releases with no further inquiry/debate allowed.


Still paying too much for a Harley though.


I don’t know who that reporter is, but I like the cut of his jib!


“Are more people dying from the common flu…”

“I appreciate the attempt to deflect.”

Me, not so much.

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Some folks would rather believe lies than accept the truth. That tends to be the way of the human animal in general it’s just sad to be self aware enough to notice these things but not strong willed enough to pull out of such nonsense. I guess these folks would rather have their feelings validated than let facts get in the way.

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Them’s some powerful stupid, Clem.

When you do the quick math, 1% of Sturgis attendees is 2,500 people. If it were a motorcycle pile-up, or even Chinese terrorists with grenade launchers, it would be considered a tragedy, not a conspiracy on behalf of the Democrats.
Apparently it’s an acceptable number if the blame is placed on Democrats instead of anti-maskers.

The stupid burns like a naked calf touching a hot tailpipe.

Their brains are leaking as much as a Harley Davidson does.


I would think Harley would be pushing the mask thing. It could be one more piece of crap they can slap their logo on and sell. Also the whole handkerchief western thing seem to be a match, fashion wise. A missed business opportunity if you ask me.
Also, what a bunch of idiots.


I saw that a neighbor put a little plandemic bumper sticker on his Toyota FJ. Nice enough guy but I haven’t bothered to try and engage on this point.


I’m wary of flag-wavers in the UK too (hell, anywhere), but at least over here we have a two-tier system.

We can identify those who are being patriotic and maybe like the Queen a bit too much by their willingness to wave the full-on Union Jack.

But you can pretty much guarantee that anyone waving or prominently displaying St. George’s Cross is a full-on, racist dickbag.

I would say you can maybe make an exception during the World Cup or other international sporting event.
But even there, St. George’s on its own is a pretty good indicator that someone hues nationalistic.

Edit: Thinking about it, a good comparison is the Confederate flag in the States. So I guess you guys do have the same two-tier system.