Neither here nor there as to the content of this post, but I just gotta say — man, the font for that “I’m With Stupid” graphic bothers me.
The letters are weirdly asymmetrical and the kerning looks random at best.
Neither here nor there as to the content of this post, but I just gotta say — man, the font for that “I’m With Stupid” graphic bothers me.
The letters are weirdly asymmetrical and the kerning looks random at best.
you know I relate to this poor scoundrel, the records of every company I’ve ever created are sparse and mysterious, just because I suck at record keeping and think I’m going to save the money on an accountant and then on the date I have to submit the records I sit up all night. Poor chiseling contemptible bastard.
It’s cons all the way down…
Hey, if the project “fails” it will obviously be the fault of the usual suspects; liberals, lefties, the Elders of the Zion, etc. No blame will attach to the fine Patriot who ran the go-give-me-money.
I notice that Brian Kolfage is referred to as a “veteran” in the article. Is “veteran” the new “gentleman”?
I am engaged in a discussion with just such a group of people. They are (still - like yesterday) posting obvious lies about Barak Obama. They are using the phrase “red-blooded Americans” - which clearly means White Anglo-saxon Protestants. They have told me that “Anti-fa” are a group of left-wing thugs. They are such nice people it is a delight to talk to them…
Title seems wrong. Yes, multiple Trump supporters were scammed, yet again; but what is missing is evidence that they are astonished to be scammed, yet again.
To be Trump supporters, they were preemptively comfortable with the concept of being scammed, again, and again, however many times it takes.
Veteran is often invoked by the right as a way of saying “you may not criticize this person, their reputation is unimpeachable because they’ve sacrificed for their country. . . unless they’re a damn lefty liberal pinko commie, in which case they’re a traitor to their country.”
Somehow enlisting and doing a tour of duty overseas makes your honesty and personal character shiny and golden forever. Unless you’re one of The Gays, in which case you’re outcast.
I know plenty of vets & have some in my family; they range from right-wing to ultra-left, but nearly all of them are rabid gun-rights advocates.
That’s the truth. I saw the headline and thought, “I’m surprised these people are waking up.” After reading the article, it turns out they’re mostly not. Potentially as many as six people are mildly frustrated, and that’s the extent of it.
Trump supporters are a self-selected group of gullible marks. The most surprising thing about this is that there aren’t more people preying on them in similar ways.
I’m pretty sure there are, but they’re probably doing it more through churches and MLM schemes so it doesn’t stand out as much as just absconding with cash.
Oh, you…
“Ladies and gentlemen, before we break ground we need everyone present to drink some of this delicious Kool-Aid.”
(As we saw in the Ben Shapiro video, simply claiming someone who questions you is a liberal is the only answer you really need to keep your boat afloat. Anyone who already agrees with you will not their head and mutter about bias and “gotcha questions.”)
Wanna know the real reason why conservative politicians want to ban Huckleberry Finn in schools? It’s not due to language or adult situations, it’s because they don’t want kids figuring out what a carpetbagger is.
“the man they gave $20m to “build the wall” has nothing to show for it”
No - he has $20million to show for it.