Not sure if projection or delusion…
You’re the best! Don’t ever change.
White supremacists emboldened by his rise will learn the errors of their ways! Gorsuch will step down to make room for a progressive court appointee! Russian intelligence agents will be mind-wiped of all classified information! US soldiers and Syrian civilians who died because of his tactical decisions will spring back to life!
OK PEOPLE – Who stole my joke for the opener of last night’s Colbert show?!
If you need another staff writer…
[quote=“Brainspore, post:63, topic:101170”]
US soldiers and Syrian civilians who died because of his tactical decisions will spring back to life!
[/quote]As will the thousands of US residents dead for lack of health care!
[quote=“Schmorgluck, post:65, topic:101170, full:true”]
If you mean from repealing Obamacare, that hasn’t happened. It’s an open question whether it even WILL happen.
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