Trump team knew Flynn was under federal investigation when they made him national security adviser

Not sure if projection or delusion…

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You’re the best! Don’t ever change.

White supremacists emboldened by his rise will learn the errors of their ways! Gorsuch will step down to make room for a progressive court appointee! Russian intelligence agents will be mind-wiped of all classified information! US soldiers and Syrian civilians who died because of his tactical decisions will spring back to life!


OK PEOPLE – Who stole my joke for the opener of last night’s Colbert show?!

If you need another staff writer…

[quote=“Brainspore, post:63, topic:101170”]
US soldiers and Syrian civilians who died because of his tactical decisions will spring back to life!
[/quote]As will the thousands of US residents dead for lack of health care!

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[quote=“Schmorgluck, post:65, topic:101170, full:true”]

If you mean from repealing Obamacare, that hasn’t happened. It’s an open question whether it even WILL happen.

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