Trump tells America's attorneys general that Jews might be desecrating their own cemeteries to make him look bad

We have a saying “two jews, three opinions”.

Cory has the God given free will to think what he wants.

You, too. Generous guy, that God-fellah.


‘Punching people through the internet’ would have been teledildonics’ breakthrough application.


I think the outrage is perfectly legitimate. Even if he’s not anti-semitic himself, he’s failing to condemn it, and now trying to exploit other peoples anti-semitic actions for his own benefit.


Did you ignore the linked article in the post you replied to?

I think that finally getting around to condemning anti-semitic vandalism and attacks 40 days into his presidency in a very rehearsed speech in which he appeared to be acting is a awfully low bar (the press was completely a-buzz with how different he seemed during that speech, even if they bizarrely assumed this was the new normal). I’m reminded of Chris Rock asking if people want a cookie for not being racist… you’re supposed to denounce anti-semitism.

Maybe Trump doesn’t judge people one way or the other for being Jewish, I don’t know. I do know that as part of his election campaign he intentionally courted an anti-semitic base by doing things like refusing to denounce David Duke.

Not long before this speech he told a Jewish reporter to sit down because he dared to ask a question about anti-semitic vandalism and attacks. He complained (without actually hearing the reporter’s question) that a question about anti-semitic attacks was a “very hard” question when “As a nation we condemn these terrible crimes” seems like a pretty damn easy answer. His holocaust memorial statement intentionally left out any mention of Jews.

If you think claims of Trump’s anti-semitism are overblown, I guess that’s your opinion. But to say they are “manufactured outrage”? I’ll go as low as “outrage constructed from the kit we bought at Trump-kea”.

If Trump goes forward in a manner similar to what he did in his speech at congress for at least a couple of months I’ll be inclined to give him a little more credit. But this turnaround to being “presidential”, of which condemning anti-semitism was a part, has happened at least twice before and both times it lasted barely a day.


To quote a friend of mine,

Once again, with Trump’s lukewarm “antisemitism is bad” statement, I find it necessary to bring up the fact that Trump is not very quiet when he doesn’t like someone or something. Consider his response to nearly 70 JCCs being targeted for bomb threats and then compare it to his response to Meryl Streep, Hamilton and Nordstroms. Call me crazy, but I want a president who hates antisemitism at least as much as he hates Rosie O’Donnell and CNN.


Fair point, but I was specifically addressing the idea that Trump was not actually blaming this on the Jewish community, as many in the thread have claimed.

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After all, he’s the least anti-Semitic person you’ll ever meet


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