Trump thanks Putin for kicking US Embassy workers out of Russia

Too true.


I’m tired of this nonsense. It’s time to release the dadgum pee tapes!

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I think there are two different questions.

  1. Does Trump act like a toddler?
  2. How the hell is it that a grown-ass man with grandchildren can get elected president while acting like a toddler?

The answer to (1) is: not really, he’s more like 4- or 5-years-old. The answer to (2) is the Vox article.


In this case, however, he’s acting like a childish man who is being blackmailed by the Russians. As he has been doing consistently ever since he quietly tweaked the GOP platform in Vlad’s favour.

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American diplomats are nothing but a waste of taxpayer dollars! Except when they die in the line of duty, in which case they become a useful political weapon for people who want to see Hillary Clinton in prison.


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He is such a tool he does not even know he trolled Putin.

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I believe he has to pay extra for that.


He’s a typical chickenshit manager who would rather have someone else do the dirty work of layoffs for him. I bet he’s never personally fired anyone.

Chilling testimony from ex-Russian financier detailing the most compelling evidence to date about the likely quid pro quo arrangement between Putin and Trump campaign. Pay close attention to the characters involved - especially the Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and who she really represents.

If you connect the dots it’s obvious that the “Russian child adoptions” topic during the June 9th meeting at Trump Tower was the cover story for exchanging DNC dirt for promises to repeal the Magnitsky Act which placed sanctions on Russian oligarchs and restricted access to Russian laundered money. This points to far more sinister activities by Putin than previously imagined.

I’m not one for conspiracy theories but this one is hard to dismiss.

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I’m trying to think of some humourous way to suggest “whining” was mis-spelled in that meme but… er… yeah, can’t right now.

what game are you playing?

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