Trump the Chump (Part 2)

Is it too soon to start calling Trump a “crisis actor?”


And Trump wanted people with weapons to be let past the metal detectors at his January 6th rally.


Looking at the footage, the teleprompter screen looks completely intact, so I’m not sure I trust this.


There’s usually more than one though, right? It would be helpful if wasn’t actually a bullet wound. He’s less of a martyr that way.


One or two screens, the shooter – high up enough on a roof – may have been able to shoot over them.


I’m not sure it even matters if he was struck by a bullet or by a glass shard from a teleprompter hit by a bullet. He was shot at, and something struck his ear as a result. Either way, with slightly better aim from the shooter, he’d be dead.


Indeed this is true. And regardless of if it’s a bullet, ricochet, or shrapnel those facts remain unchanged.

As happy as I will be when he finally croaks, I definitely don’t want it to be like this.

@smulder and he never ever lies about anything, right?


… I thought you were the one who doubted the glass shard story :confused:


It looks like the shot came from the side in the video. It wouldn’t have been near the teleprompter screen.


I am but I also don’t have all the facts. None of us do right now. As @danimagoo has so astutely stated, this detail probably doesn’t really matter anyway, so I won’t say any more on this particular aspect.


Well, it matters a little. If it was a bullet graze, then it’s highly unlikely the shooter was aiming to miss. Glass shards hitting him, though…


Glass shards hitting him… or used to…

(Sorry. Alter ego Skepticowl just refuses to leave.)


Look, I’m not going to traffic in conspiracy theories. Let the MAGA world do that. The simplest explanation is that someone attempted to assassinate Trump and almost succeeded, whether they made a pretty decent shot and grazed his ear or fired wildly and hit a nearby teleprompter screen which sprayed glass at Trump. Both explanations are orders of magnitude more likely than a false flag operation.

If this were an episode of NCIS, it would turn out that the rally attendee who was killed was the actual target.


csi gibb slap GIF


If there was glass between him and Trump, it’s entirely plausible and reasonable that the glass deflected the bullet enough to miss, but a glass shard clipped his ear.

As much as I would love to turn about the whole “false flag/crisis actors” conspiracy on the far right, Occam’s Razor is that the shooter missed and Trump got extremely lucky. Considering the shooter is dead, I don’t see how it’s a false flag conspiracy.

I do think it’s going to suck a whole lot between now and November. :confused:


I won’t look at Fox, but I assume it is going to be a 24/7 Demoncrat conspiracy to murder the god-king frenzy.


Though according to the Supreme Court, if Biden told the SS to shoot or kill Trump, that’d be nbd, as Biden may have done so to carry out national policy as part of his Official Duties. /Snark


Conspiracy theories aside, I think there’s three possibilities:

  1. It was someone on the left who was afraid enough of the threat Trump and Project 2025 pose that they tried to assassinate him.
  2. It was someone on the right who got their conspiracy theory wires crossed and somehow came to the conclusion that Trump wasn’t hardcore enough, or was turning woke or something.
  3. It was some malfunctioning meat robot with no political motivation (seems unlikely given the target, but I would have bet my life savings that a local shooting during the height of COVID restrictions was a right-wing anti-masker and it turned out to be a person who shot random people in a random location on a random day for no apparent reason whatsoever, so I wouldn’t rule it out).

No matter what the truth is, the right has already decided that the Democrats are to blame, and that’s the only story they’ll tell no matter what going forward. Whatever the shooter’s motives, all they’ve done is hand Trump a photo op, stir up retaliatory violence, and ensure that his base are as motivated as possible in November. The only positive I can imagine is that maybe the media will finally shift away from “Biden is ooooold”, but I don’t think what replaces it will be an improvement.


Yeah, “no political motivation” may seem unlikely but the last guy who shot a Republican president was a mentally unwell individual with no clear political motivation other than to gain notoriety in a (literally insane) attempt to impress Jodie Foster. He had been making attempts to get close enough to shoot Carter in the months before Reagan got elected. So who the hell knows what the Trump shooter’s motivations were. Way too early to say, and they certainly can’t interrogate the guy now.