Trump the Chump (Part 2)

Indeed… there is a Netflix documentary from a few years ago, that I watched not too long ago:

Starts with the Gawker/Hogan case, and then talks about the larger implications of the wealthy buying up local papers…


Correction: This post has been corrected to feature five companies with Lord of the Rings*-inspired names. A sixth company highlighted in a previous version of this post, Anduril Industries, should not be considered a Thiel company. Founders Fund, where Thiel is a partner, has invested in Anduril Industries, but the deal was led by partner Brian Singerman. Anduril is not currently in the weapons-making business; it makes fortified autonomous firefighting vehicles and AI-enabled motion detection systems.*

Translation: “Please please don’t sue us into oblivion!”

Even now, all the Anduril “boy genius” articles never mention Thiel, or the CEO’s neo-nazi wanker funding.



(As posted by @GagHalfrunt:




So where’s that puke emoji?


Like father, like son.


“I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” Minton told Mazzei. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”


Thanks, good to have that essential appeal that Tromp has for his base confirmed.

I kept thking while reading what finally got said in the last line:

The cruelty, as the Atlantic’s Adam Serwer says, is the point.

Dems should keep saying that out loud about today’s Republicans.

Uniters? No, today’s Republicans are haters.


Something to remember when he rails against the quote on quote elites

In our time together, Trump was more interested in gossiping about the Kardashians, Joan Rivers, Jeff Zucker, Omarosa or Dennis Rodman than reflecting on any of his achievements as president. But it made sense: Fame, for Trump, is the ultimate currency. He once marveled to me about how some of his richest friends couldn’t get reservations at hot restaurants. What’s the point of all that money, Trump wondered, if you can’t even get a good seat for dinner?

Without the structure of a shocking event, Trump lost some steam as he moved forward — in fact, he seemed to go off script. This is a familiar mode for Trump. Often in our time together, it would be hard to follow the former president’s train of thought as he rambled about everything from COVID to his hatred of Debra Messing and Martha Stewart and other celebrity friends who turned their back on Trump as president. On the convention stage, Trump recited a favorite campaign rally line about how illegal immigrants are invading America from asylums — before offering a non sequitur about “the late, great Hannibal Lecter,“ who lived in a mental institution.


Trump blesses a relic of the martyr who laid down his life for the Leader. Like real relics, it’s probably fake.

He then walked a few steps to the podium to kiss the uniform of Corey Comperatore, a firefighter who was shot and killed at Trump’s rally. (Like most props from “The Apprentice,” it’s likely the uniform was just a replica for TV since it featured a typo of the firefighter’s last name.)

Then he gets back to his favourite cannibal, who loved to have a friend for dinner.

On the convention stage, Trump recited a favorite campaign rally line about how illegal immigrants are invading America from asylums — before offering a non sequitur about “the late, great Hannibal Lecter,“ who lived in a mental institution.

A sign of hope?

The media loves to speculate about how Trump is “different” or “changed.” But at his own convention, Trump made the argument that the next season of his presidency would be exactly like the last; the only difference is he wants to give himself even more screen time. The message got so tedious and redundant, it should inspire Democrats to fight back. Trump’s speech proved many things, but one most of all: There is a window here. Based on Trump’s latest performance, there is a possibility that he might not get renewed.


You’d think!

Sadly though, more and more of them appear to be fighting with each other (about who “should” replace Biden, and probably also about just how to get him to give up). :weary:




For a minute there, former President Donald Trump sounded different on Thursday night. “Whether you’ve supported me in the past or not, I hope you will support me in the future, because I will bring back the American Dream,” Trump told a sea of conservative believers at the Republican National Convention. “With great humility, I am asking you to be excited about the future of our country.”

But despite promising unity, his speech only grew Trumpier as it continued, as he leaned into his worst instincts, riffing to the crowd’s delight as he threw it red meat. Even in the prepared text, though, he was still disparaging of LGBTQ Americans when declaring “we will not have men playing in women’s sports.” It was still filled with lies about a supposed surge in crime fueled by migrants sneaking across the border. It still framed the criminal cases against him as partisan witch hunts from Democrats, rather than the results of his own actions. It was still packed with pie crust promises, easily made and easily broken, that “incomes will skyrocket, inflation will vanish, jobs will come roaring back, and the middle class will prosper like never before.”

or if you write for the AP…


When Trump calls for unity he means uniting behind him. This shouldn’t be dfficult for the media to understand. It’s elementary fascism.



But, but. . . That’s just who Tromp IS. Rambling even more incoherently than he used to doesn’t mean he’s senile. And hey, his fans love it!



Too bad the media will not pick that up… :rage: