Trump the Chump (Part 2)


I remember when owning an assassination weapon was not a prerequisite for being a Republican politician.

“an AK-47 is not a sporting weapon nor needed for defense of a home.”
Ronald Reagan


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SNL can just take ad that and repeat it. The laughs would be stupendous, most laughs ever seen. Hugely!




The technical term is Confabulation.

Trump’s memory is so bad that he’s inventing shit all the time, and can’t tell the difference between something that happened and something he thinks happened but just invented on the spot to fill in the mental blind spot where he doesn’t remember any more.

Which is to say: I don’t think he’s lying about this, I think he literally doesn’t remember the debate any more, and doesn’t know that he doesn’t remember.


I would believe Trump mixed it up with something else where there was an audience, but not that he genuinely thinks it ended with them cheering for him. He has always lied about things like that. He knows Harris won the debate just like he knows Biden won the election, and that’s why he’s still fixated on trying to change what happened.


… perhaps he’s an “unconscious liar”

“Well, first of all, I think that if he did know he was lying and was lying, that’s even worse,” Sharpton said. “Clearly, he lied. Now if he is an unconscious liar and doesn’t realize when he’s lying, then we are really in trouble. . . . So I hope he knew he was lying, because if he didn’t, and just went in some kind of crazy, psychological breakdown, then we are really in trouble. Clearly, you know, I’m a minister. Why do people lie? Because they’re liars.”


I can’t remember who first pointed this out, but the most likely explanation for why he keeps bringing up Hannibal Lecter and “mental hospitals” in the context of immigration policy is that he literally thinks “political asylum” has something to do with people from mental asylums.

He really is one of the stupidest motherfuckers alive.


But they are asylum seekers! They’re tricking our ER doctors into prescribing them space in asylums and the right to vote Democrat. So sad.


Trump ally Laura Loomer: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene orchestrated the dinner between Trump and white nationalist Nick Fuentes
Loomer: MTG is “a jealous woman, and she’s working against Donald Trump”

BTW Milo Yiannopoulos claims that Laura Loomer and Donald Trump are having an affair. That might be untrue, but he was telling the truth about Kanye West’s addiction to laughing gas.


I find myself caring about none of this interpersonal relationship news, especially as the election approaches. What matters to me is that they’re all grifters and fucking fascists, and they need to be handled accordingly.


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But if news about this stuff helps them implode as a movement, then I’ll take it…


It used to work that way. Seems like Tromp may have broken the mold though, so personal grubbiness and heinous behavior gets swept under the rug-- if you’re a Repugnican. MGT can grab the crotch of a cardboard Tromp, Bobert and Gaetz are still in Congress despite actions I’d rather not rehearse, and many more I’m sure.

Guess I’m feeling more than half cynical today. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


_Former President of the United States and current presidential candidate Donald J. Trump made an interesting promise on Twitter earlier this week: Lowering car insurance rates. That would be a major boon for American drivers, putting tons of money back in our collective pockets if not for one little issue. He can’t do it.


Jalopnik reached out to the Trump campaign for details on the former President’s plans, but we have not yet heard back. If the campaign responds, we’ll update this piece.


Yeah, I get ya on that… But the number of high-profile republicans coming out against trump gives me some hope, as does the slow shift among journalists to do their fuckin’ jobs a bit better… There does feel like there is a ever so slight change in what’s happening with the MAGA movement. I mean, just the difference between the first and second assasination attempt and how they were received by the public… No one seemed to care much about the second. At least it didn’t come to dominate the news cycle for a few days like the first one did (up to the GOP convention, when it became apparent he wasn’t going to change).

So, there still out there for sure… but I’m hoping we’re at a turning point on this “movement”… it’s true that people like Gaetz, Boebert, and MTG are still in power, but as it becomes clearer that they have no ability to get anything productive done, all but their most hardcore supporters are going to start turning on them, I think. Ultimately, most of us do want results, whatever our political orientations. They’ll always have supporters, but if the GOP can turn the page on trump and more “normal” republicans can take the party back, it will become harder for them to stay in power.

This stuff doesn’t end over night… but if he loses in November, and the various cases keep going and we have some more convictions, I think that his movement will continue to lose steam.


But he said he wouldn’t sell. Would Trump lie? /s