Trump: There were "very fine people on both sides" at Charlottesville white supremacist rally

Someone should compose a Bannon song.

Along a similar theme to this:


Did you read the story behind that picture? The Nazis were going after the old man and they threw the paint can at the guy who ended up using it to hold them back. That weapon was both self defence and defence of another. Which makes him a hell of a lot less of an asshole than the Nazis who attacked them.


seen elsewhere in the BBS today:


This, exactly. If you are not a Nazi thug yourself, but you stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Nazis, you are a fellow traveler and it’s a distinction without difference.

Do you feel that strongly about that Robert E Lee statue, but you don’t want to be tarred by association with transparent racists? Easy, don’t join their “march”. Organize your own and take pains that it be free of these nudniks.


Omigosh. I misposted. I can see why you thought I was saying: “look over there!” Squirrel!.

I was not, I was pointing to a correction needed in the bOING story regarding the mis-transcription of “us”


I don’t jump to such conclusions so quickly!

I think regardless of if he said ‘us’ or not, his whataboutism rather removes the benefit of the doubt we’d all rather be able to offer him. He may as well have, although it sounds debatable - that debate distracts from how YES, he is totally giving them cover. Doubly so by getting anyone to debate if he said Us or didn’t.


Ahhh- his 'whataboutism" Got it. Agree.

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Absolutely his, not at all yours!

Any one thing he does is a papercut. You can die from 10,000 papercuts.

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He took aim at the removal or consideration for removal of Confederate statues and monuments in a long list of cities in states such as California, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, Tennessee, Virginia and Texas.


Fucking hell.

It’s become more clear than ever to me that his main source of information really is FOX News.


Feel free to bold Kentucky in that list too. I will happily give my home state heaps of shit for its slave-owning history, but it never seceded.


To be fair, in Massachusetts we have one. It’s one of those borderline cases. It’s a memorial to the location of a CW POW hospital on one of the islands in Boston Harbor. It was donated by I believe the daughters of the confederacy? One of those, in the 50s. It lists the names of the soldiers who passed away there.

The commonwealth has apparently built a protective plywood box around it recently?

But that’s it, here. One. on an island. way off to the side. it’s a plaque more or less. Not a bronze statue.

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