Trump threatens Comey on Twitter, suggests he has "tapes" of their conversations

House Rep Intel Committee will demand that those tapes be produced, upon which the Pumpkin in Chief will say: “I was only joking about the tapes. Can’t you guys tella joke?”


One thing that seems forgotten–and thankfully so–is that Kissinger was a swinging single, perhaps America’s most “eligible” bachelor (after Walt Frazier) in the early 70s. He slept with Diane Sawyer, Candice Bergen, Jill St. John, Shirley Maclaine, Liv Ullman and presumably many more young women back in the day and he was a regular at Studio 54. He was way, way, way more, um, lively than Trump has ever been.


I liked this response


I believe the quote attributed to Kissinger is “power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.”

Is the current president the exception that proves the rule, or its ultimate refutation?


I hope that doesn’t mean what it sounds like.


GOD-DAMN IT! Why didn’t i make that connection? Then i could have been also entertained while reading it instead of just alarmed and informed.


Joe Arpaio. Lol. You’re supposed to be moving away from dictators.

Ala the old saw my Dad likes to quote, “I was told if I voted for Goldwater, we’d be at war in six months. I did, and we were.”


I was suggesting a solution for righty, not for me.
The driver for that idea was that Shitgibbons supporters may need an excuse to withdraw their support.
If someone can say that he has changed (he hasn’t) since being in office convincingly enough it may provide
45’s base with cover to jump ship without having to admit to themselves that they were wrong.
It could be a way to unify the party.

Me… I don’t care what they do. I just wish they would shut up and go away, the lot of them.


Same here, for what it’s worth.

Allow me to introduce you to the concept of empathy.

[Insert link to Rolling Stones’ megahit here.]



I hung around St. Petersburg,
When it was the bedsheet time for change,
Smoozed the czar and his ministers,
America screamed in vain,

My ratings tank,
I talk a load of wank,
While the media blitz raged,
And my policies stank,

Please to meet me,
Everyone knows my name, oh yeah,
But what’s puzzling you,
Is the nature of my game. oh yeah,

(Woo woo, woo woo)


I’ve seen the other reactions in this thread to this tweetstorm, but I am not convinced this is leading somewhere. Neither is the idea new, nor does it lead to a different angle in working with the situation. The one and only thing someone might try on the basis of this “analysis”, it seems to me, is to provoke the goldfish so much he chooses to leave his bowl. But he might just as well choose to set the sharks (with lasers) loose.

Republicans have been smarting from Watergate ever since Watergate, so they have “uncovered” 10x more post-watergate “-gates” than the dems. Iran-Contragate is about the only one that stuck from Reagan onward. But they were swinging gates at the Clintons every week.

My thought is this: there are tapes, but there is nothing more to the tapes than Comey has already described of that conversation. Both as an outsider to how our government operates and as someone totally incapable of discretion, Trump believes he draws power by telling the rest of us what special things and information he has access to. This goes back to his years in business and his handling of women as trophies and has played out in all of his media interviews since the inauguration.

I suspect he already knew that the Hillary hacks had occurred when he said “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” That is, an intermediary assured him that they would be leaked in a timely manner and he just couldn’t keep a lid on it. He said this in July 2016, and Wikileaks released them in October, almost immediately after the hot mic scandal. He needed to “show his power” by calling for the thing that was already in the works. (Just a theory.)

I also think our community has gone too easy on Assange about this timing. Wikileaks was trying to tip the election, not necessarily out of spite for Hillary (though they have that) but to be important.

Having said all that, I still don’t know where we are on the Gefilte Fish.


He also used that as a political tool. I can’t find it now, but there’s a story of him going around with two women on his arm to distract the press from his real reason for being in town - all night diplomatic talks.

Okay now I need to listen to Sympathy for the Devil, though I still have none for 45’s staff.


What about “lasers”?

If you have the Stones’ management’s number, give it a shot. If the Resistance gets a hymn, why not use classic music?


(Ok, I’ll fix that.)

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Note to self: Get some trumpian “quotemarks” and apply to “lasers”, for flobs sake.

What sense would “tapes” make, anyway?