Trump threatens to publicly release private data of immigrants and foreign visitors, ACLU responds

This guy would make a better president:


Well, that takes care of most of the Pacific basin. Slants and browns; a two-fer!

Truth is, in the United States, you’re far more likely to be killed by a citizen than an immigrant.


But what about immigrants who have become citizens? I assume being both they are super dangerous.

[The joke is that I’m implying you can distribute the function “probability of being killed by” over addition! Come see my stand-up]


Good times. I didn´t use a european or american carrier thou. I flew with Singapore Airlines.

does the airline offer flights between the EU and US? if so take a look at the part of the agreement I quoted.

the US was rather pissy that the commie Europeans added the “push” clause to the agreement, they really really wanted a pull access to flight reservation databases. Amadeus includes such a delicious collection of tasty data, a full take would be really nice.

If nothing else, Trump certainly has raised the level of concern about government overreach.

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At a guess, I’d hazard that you’re more likely to be killed by a LEO than an immigrant.

(edit: while the above may be true overall, there is a winkle here. POC probably are more likely to be killed by a LEO than an immigrant. But white folks may be more likely to be the victims of immigrants than LEOs?)


The good news is that we’re way too cheap to ever put together a Nazi-style national genocide project.

The bad news is that they’ll happily outsource a grassroots, Rwandan-style genocide with shit like this.


Remember when they all said, “It’s just the illegal immigrants we hate”? Remember when we called bullshit on that? #chickenscominghometoroost

Nazi Philosopher Carl Schmidt claimed that the Political always needs a clear enemy. ISIS is just too vague to get the proles salivating.

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~Sighs~ A broadband ego connected to a dial-up mind…


first side effects. it was rather clear that the EU/US Privacy Shield (successor to Safe Harbour, shot down by the ECJ, and basis for the US internet companies doing business in the EU) is incompatible with Trump’s plans.

and the EU commission recognized this, too

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