Trump Tower has two "privately owned public spaces" that anyone is entitled to visit

Talking to trumpeteer relatives? You’re wasting your breath, pal. My only solace is the inextricable advance of time and the inevitable mortality of all.


Sure, many of them are. But why use them as standards, or let them control the narrative? People who require an echo chamber actively pursue their own irrelevance. Conceding to them would be rather irresponsible.


I didn’t say it was valid criticism, just that there was criticism. But I’ve heard this of every president since becoming politically aware.

I thought the Trump Tower issue was primarily because his wife and kid were staying there. Is Trump also scheduled to take up residence there on a regular basis because that is news to me. And per my post above, this issue seems to be full of half assed facts.

I would agree that the President shouldn’t be based at Trump Tower for many reasons.

On the flip side though, I don’t blame his wife for wanting to stay at home. Would YOU want to live with Trump in the White House?


They live in almost complete epistemic closure. Clinton is a corrupt, manipulating liar a priori. The amount of accusations and insinuations of evildoing they’ve been exposed to from the crazytown media they consume built up a Big Lie version of Clinton long ago, that’s been endlessly reinforced by the MSM’s idiocy and the GOP’s constant attacks. Otherwise sane seeming people sincerely think Clinton has a secret team of assassins murdering critics, carefully chose to let Americans die in Benghazi for some reason, and used the Clinton Foundation as a Global Network of Evil. It’s weirdest to me that of all the people they could glom onto as Dear Leader they picked such a crass, vain, ludicrous figure as Trump, though.

It’s a kind of entertainment for me to get them to commit to positions I know they hate committing to.

Oh, I’ll be bitterly fighting every bit of corruption however I can manage, and won’t tolerate it for a minute. I’m just saying I don’t foresee the populace really doing much to stop him from getting away with his corruption. Reagan and GWB were shockingly inept and corrupt and were given a pass. I don’t expect to see a new pattern emerging with Trump.


enough said! Dump @ Trump protest activated.
(i hear they have the very best toilets!)

you really buried the lead on this one…


I dunno dude…

125 vs 407 vacation days.

I don’t know what numbers or metric you’re using but in my world 407 > 125.


You got me all wrong. I ENCOURAGE vacation days. The less they work, the less they can screw things up :wink:


Why not? Its not like there was any criticism when a former senator and key cabinet member of the Obama Administration used private servers for sensitive communications. Its not a big deal at all. :slight_smile:

But that is mostly for public safety. The city doesn’t want residents caught by CHUDs during mating seasons.


Why are you telling us opinions that are provably false, though?


You don’t think Trump Tower is filled with CHUDs? (Citizens Having Unruly Delusions)


Of course. This is why I fear for the lives of the Secret Service agents who are going to be living there.

The point is - everyone bitches at the cost at running Washington - specifically the cost around the president.

Also - just because he took less vacations, doesn’t mean you can’t think he still took too much vacation time. I know people who have like 3 months of vacation time stored up because they never take time off. That is all subjective, but besides my point.


Why should he? The acting president and the one before made lots of “shitty” decision including outright lies that cost hundred of thousands of lives. Nothing happened to GWB or his cronies.

Trump doesn’t have to be afraid of consequences. His conscience, you say? No problem - he doesn’t have one. That’s probably one of the reason he was voted for.

It’s an open air deck on the side of a sky scraper near the end of Autumn in New York I don’t really expect it to be particularly nice or pretty.

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Surely this would be nicer if the weather was warmer:

A reporter did a tour in Oct. and did not find it particularly nice or pretty.


[quote=“Mister44, post:53, topic:90223”]
Also - just because he took less vacations, doesn’t mean you can’t think he still took too much vacation time[/quote]
Two issues here

*Trump wants to LIVE outside of a live-in job and play with his toys instead of running the nation

*A live-in job means that you don’t get “home” time. Your comparisons, even with a pager and on-call are completely useless. A President has less privacy and very little quiet time, even on “vacation”.

That is, a non grifter of one, one with responsibilities and obligations to the American people.


In another post above I already agree Trump should be based at the White House for many reasons.

I thought the main reason for the whole Trump Tower thing is his WIFE AND KID are going to be living there still. I haven’t seen anything stating that TRUMP will be spending most of his time in Trump Tower (I am sure he will spend some time there.) I asked for someone to link me if this has changed and he plans to not stay at the White House. So even if Trump spends 100% of this time at the White House, it isn’t that big of a deal if his wife and kid are off site. As I said, would YOU want to live with Trump in the White House? Plus the facts in the BB article aren’t as clear as they are in the CNN article I linked. This issue isn’t worth getting riled up about.

The original article that the “public spaces are shit” is true and not surprising.

don’t worry, prisons are prettied up for pictures.


To " I haven’t seen anything stating that TRUMP will be spending most of his time in Trump Tower"

He has been suggesting that he will spend days a week there.

“Mr. Trump, a homebody who often flew several hours late at night during the campaign so he could wake up in his own bed in Trump Tower, is talking with his advisers about how many nights a week he will spend in the White House. He has told them he would like to do what he is used to, which is spending time in New York when he can.”