Agreed. But I wonder if anyone has counted the number of K’s in his tweets to see if it’s a number divisible by three, as Eddie Murphy’s character did in Bowfinger:
Kit : The letter K appears in this script 1,456 times. That’s perfectly divisible by 3.
Freddy : So what? So what you saying?
Kit : What am I saying? KKK appears in this script 486 times!
So the racists wink and not, but why are we winking and nodding? Sure let’s uphold the heritage of the US - as a melting pot of all races and cultures. Let’s MAGA by opening the borders again. Let’s celebrate our history by embracing our native American siblings.
I use Twitter for branding my personal ventures. The default apps show you a count-down (193 characters remain) until you run out of characters. Though with so few typed it’s usually just a circle that’s 1/3rd filled.
Still, they could have composed it in a text editor with that capability! And if they did and added a space at the end, Twitter would have auto-trimmed whitespace on them.
I think some Tweet entry forms “helpfully” remove double space after punctuation… if he had two after the exclamation, that helper may have removed one.
That’s my point—he doesn’t bother with a “wink” when he appeals to fascists. We’re talking about the guy who tweeted Mussolini quotes during the last election cycle. Why bother with code and subtlety now?
I think that’s a more likely explanation, compared to the missing blank character.
Because if they wanted to add an extra char to make it 88, there are other obvious ways. They could have, for instance, replaced “a war” by “the war” and “our country” by “our nation”.
Yeah, the racism is authentic (one of the few things about Trump that are) but stuff like the number of characters is likely coincidence. He’s not a subtle man.
Children act out for the reaction it gets, and no other reason. They know they need something from others, and when they stumble on a behavior that gets a response, they keep doing it in the hope it’ll lead to whatever it is they need to happen. They don’t mean anything by the behavior itself, because they’re children, and they don’t know shit.
Certain pubescent boys gravitate to Nazi codes because (1) they see it gets a strong reaction, and (2) when people don’t understand their tee-hee naughty secret codes, it makes them feel superior, which doesn’t address their howling emotional void, but does help them convert it to outward-facing anger.
If a 13 year old acts like Stephen Miller, there is a case for ignoring the behavior and seeing the hurt child behind it. But if someone is still like that at 30 – while you might acknowledge it’s tragic – the only remaining conclusion is “welp, this one came out wrong, let’s flush it and move on”.
The notion that Miller’s some kind of genius is wildly misplaced. It couldn’t be plainer that he’s a stunted lackwit who’s only working in this administration because he’s not competent to clean the grill at Wendy’s. I’m sure he meant this tweet to be 88 characters, and simply fucked it up.
Sometimes his people do. The $88.00 baseball they’re selling on their merch site, for example. They just like playing games and tr0lling. They’re overgrown channer edgelords and sh*tposters.
They know liberals and progressives are going to spot these things and, rightfully, make a stink. The white nationalists will giggle, and the casual bigots following his account will be trained on the signals they should look out for.