Trump tweets 14 white supremacist words

He could have added a fucken exclamation mark! Even Trump could figure that out.

So? You think the orange idiot would heil anyone else than himself? That is a stretch.

Good idea. Trump is right that this is a battle over heritage, history and greatness: the battle to define what that heritage, history and greatness actually is. It might be relevant to explain that this tweet is a dog whistle, but in the long term it’s much more helpful to win that battle and assert cultural hegemony, for when a more nuanced view on heritage, history and greatness becomes common sense, the likes of Trump will become irrelevant.

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I shaved my beard so masks would be more efficient. Then I buzz-cut my hair to avoid going to the barbers. Now I have no use for all this Dapper Dan Pomade I have laying around the house :slight_smile:


My take as well, I am sorry to say.


Yep, he’s absolutely desperate - disbelieving that this is the hill he’s going to die on.


Ignoring the obvious similarity to White Supremacist slogans for a second. . .

People always talk about Trump doing shocking stuff to distract from the more serious shit he’s also doing.

Trying to make the election about something other than himself, in this case vague ideals like “heritage”, is also a very obvious distraction. He doesn’t want the election to be about him anymore, he wants us to think Biden/Democrats are opposed to this undefined “American Greatness.”

The USA also has a heritage of “equal rights”, it’s in the damn US Constitution, it’s what we get taught in school from kindergarten on up, but it’s an ideal we never manage to live up to. How about we start living up to that ideal?

Biden should be prepared in the debates with some counter-strategy for this. Like if Trump bemoans tearing down statues of Andrew Jackson, Biden could counter with “we should tear it down and put up a monument to the Constitution, with the words writ large for all to see. . . or are you against the US Constitution, Donald?”



BoingBoing doesn’t control the ads. They subscribe to an ad service. If you see one that’s particularly obnoxious, then definitely report it, but the ad content itself is determined more by you and what you’ve been surfing. Not that getting served up Turmp ads means you’re a MAGAt, it just probably means you’ve been looking at political and news sites.


Coincidently, the Trump Store is selling this baseball for precisely $88


Also less coincidentally:


I suppose there are mixed thoughts on whether he was dog whistling or being a blatant racist since day one 2015.


Bonus points for using “lackwit.” Though I am used to seeing the adjective “insufferable” preceding it.

I was wondering what would happen to the likes of Kayleigh McEnany (and the Millers) when the music’s over. What happens when they send in their résumé and right at the top of “Work Experience”, like letter-shaped excreta, sit the words “Trump White House Staff?” I was thinking something along the lines of “I hope that Arby’s [or Wendy’s etc.] won’t even hire her” but also figured it’s demeaning toward those who do work at Arby’s [or Wendy’s etc.]. So then I figured she (and her cohorts) will always have Hobby Lobby or Chick-Fil-A to fall back upon. But sadly they’ll end up just fine, as paid experts appearing on OANN or Fox News (or better yet, Fox Business!) etc.


I think it was pretty straight forward since day one. The people not seeing it were willfully blind and did not want to see it. :woman_shrugging:


It makes me sad to think about this because I’m pretty sure there will always be a good paying high status job for her so long as there are rich racists in any industry in this country.


No, I think they wanted to see it which is why we find ourselves here.

As annoying as it is to see Trump ads targeted at me, I take a small amount of comfort knowing that someone, somewhere had to spend actual money in order to show me that ad, which means that much less money available to spend on trying to turn out voters who might conceivably vote for that guy if given a push.


I mean, being an out neo-nazi solidly requires a person to be shitty enough to shun like that in my book, and I am not Jewish.

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Oh yes. I’m sure I can think of a couple people he would heil if I just Putin my thinking cap.

I have the same schadenfreude when it comes to clicking on a google search for a particular company. If I’m reluctantly looking for their service or product, I click the ad, so that it both costs them a fraction of a penny but also ups their pay-per-click cost. If I like the company, I click the organic search result so it saves them a penny and lowers the pay-per-click cost for their ads…


Heil Hitler was an expression of submission to the Führer, so in that meaning Trump would not heil anyone. Trump might be too ignorant to understand that, though.

I think we have plenty of evidence that Trump would never accept that anyone else is above him, he sees himself as the Führer, the all-powerful, wise leader, whose word is (or should be) the law.

If Putin has any direct influence on what Trump is doing, it’s not because Trump is accepting any orders from Putin, it’s because Trump is a fool, and it’s simple to manipulate a fool.


Check out the appropriated iconography on this official Trump Pence t-shirt.