Trump-voting states are experiencing new Covid cases at a much higher rate than Biden states

I appreciate the sentiment, but the CIA, prisons, and wars, to choose a few items, are not “democratic socialism.” Socialism does not mean “everything the government does.”

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That is exactly my fear, and why my PPE policy has not, and will not, change.


I suspect an even bigger factor is that we cater to tourists who are not good at evaluating risk. People who are good at evaluating risk wouldn’t be gambling in the first place.


Yeah, I can see there being lots of overlap between people who think they are going to win at slot machines and people who think they are not going to get Covid because they are somehow special.


PROOF!! Proof, I tell you! COVID is a bioweapon deployed against conservative American patriots!


I said it in 2009, I’ll say it now

If Obama said the sky was blue, the republicans would deny the sky exists.


I have given further consideration to what I said earlier. Consideringthat even in red states, this bastard is still hurting minorities more than white folks, they may not see it as a bad thing. They probably don’t even really consider them citizens or, still less, constituents.


With any luck, we’re seeing the kkk select itself for early disease related death and disability.

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“Name it. Oh you can’t? Well this is really fascinating. Do you remember where you read, heard about it? I want to know exactly what this is. It sounds revolutionary.”

Whenever anyone makes these claims, I try my damndest to force them into researching it with me.

Typically we end up at some facebook post saying one stupid thing, and a bunch of good sources debunking it.


It was on a pod cast, you know the one. What’s it called? Oh what was it called…

Anyway it’s a generic drug and it costs pennies…

Something o-sil?

Yeah didn’t go far. He later admitted to feeling like an ass, but he’d been running around for months with this idea in his head. He had a little freak out about how hard it was to tell what was even going on when your local authorities are literally announcing that it’s fake and everyone around you says it’s George Soros.

And this is in a Democratic run state. They’re all hearing one thing from the governor and the national news and another from practically everyone else. It’s kind of insanity.


Bill Murray Yes GIF




The chart is given in daily increase per 100,000 people. It is per capita.


My bad. I didn’t read the label on the Y axes.


My wife accuses me of having a song for every topic. Here is the one for this one.

You see me now a veteran of a thousand psychic wars
I’ve been living on the edge so long
Where the winds of limbo roar
And I’m young enough to look at
And far too old to see
All the scars are on the inside
I’m not sure that there’s anything left to me


To some degree I wonder if it is just that conservatives and liberals evaluate threats differently. To a conservative the thing that should be feared is other people. Other people are going to hurt you, take away your job, or inject you with microchips. For liberals, the thing to be afraid of is all sorts of other things like disease, capitalism, systemic racism, etc.?? Too simple to be true but it seems like it kind of works as a heuristic.

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I think its more that liberals see the actual problems around them (disease, climate change, infrastructure crumbling, poverty, etc) and look for ways to fix the problem, so they study the problem to identify the underlying cause and work out an appropriate remedy.

Conservatives only see things that conflict with their desired preconceived world views, declare that those things must be problems, and look for someone else to blame for it. With no interest in solving or finding the underlying cause or actually fixing any real problems. Instead, they look for ways to make other people worse off, so that they can feel smug about themselves.


“Occupations, wars”. I have to respect the candor.

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