Originally published at: Trump "will be back before 2021" one MAGA fan insists | Boing Boing
For the death cultist, the promised Day of Reckoning that never comes is simply an opportunity to move the goalposts to a new one. Even if doing so requires time travel.
Hell, even Pillow Guy is trying to time travel now.
“2021 of this year, yes he will be back.”
Ok, so he’s clearly not talking about a year, he’s talking about a date. You know, the 21st day of the 20th month: Kleptember 21st.
Reality has a left leaning bias, but apparently so does time now. Who knew?
Ah, if only flimflam could be used against these drooling idiots for good …instead of eeevil -sigh-
(“Dontchaknow only @#$ libtards drive a gas-guzzl’n pickup anymore! See, it’s this huge conspiracy cuz libruls want to @#$-up the climate so’s they can @#$ you over and force you to wear a mask!”)
But he was in office for a tiny bit of 2021 already, so does that qualify?
Since one has to leave in order to “come back,” nope.
Trump “will be (and only will have been) back before 2021”
Maybe he just mumbled that middle part.
Nopevember then Dickcember
Is the 20th month Trumpgust?
This is making an awful lot of hay from what’s clearly a slip of the tongue. These people are morons, sure, but we know what they meant. I don’t think making fun of regular human foibles in our opponents does our cause any favors.
you know…if someone followed me around all the time and recorded what i said they’d have film of so much stupid shit i wouldn’t look any stupider than those guys*…so i hear you.
*source: my wife.
Seems to me that if someone followed you around all the time recording what you say, then you’d be prone to being more cautious about what you say and how… but then again, you strike me as far more sensible than the stereotypical 45 supporter.
‘Whether the come-back kid will really travel via time machine or simply by ol’ fashioned wishful thinking wasn’t made clear.’
Well that’s just ridiculous, there’s just no way you could squeeze Trump into a Delorean.
my problem is i talk faster than i think so sometimes i say the wrong thing…i like to think it is a sign of genius.
I would go so far as to say there are probably MAGA forums where people are mocking this video as “leftists will latch onto to literally any bullshit we say”, and I can’t say that I blame them. There are idiots and kooks in any significantly large group. This is hardly newsworthy or vindicating.