Originally published at: Watch: woman at Alabama rally uses airtight logic to prove Trump is still president | Boing Boing
We seem to disagree on the meaning of the word logic?
19th? Is there any reason for that? Are the Sovereign Citizen type people arguing that some weird subset of the presidents are legitimate? Is it just a random number this woman picked out?
“It’s your opinion, and you’re entitled to it. You’re wrong; but it’s still your opinion; and you are entitled to it”
Social Psy prof; small mid-western university; mid 90’s.
About that Snyder quote…. Should it be “Appealing”, or “Nucking Futs”?
Apparently Qanon dupes believe that an obscure act of 1871 turned the USA into a Corporation and none of the Presidents since then are valid. You may well ask what ever happened to Rutherford B. Hayes, etc. You may further ask if Trump is President, how come he got elected as President of a Corporation, which is now suddenly not a corporation any more? By some mysterious manipulation, this 1871 act will be reversed on March 4th and everything will be JUST as the Founding Fathers set it up in 1776. Hurrah! …There may be some faulty logic in there. Don’t blame me.
Because Qanon, natch (vis business insider)
Before the 20th Amendment in 1933, all presidents were sworn in on March 4.
It was introduced to shorten the “lame duck” period between elections and the start of new administrations.
Given that followers of the sovereign citizen movement reject all constitutional amendments passed after the 14th amendment, they do not view this date change as legitimate.
QAnon followers, who failed to see Trump inaugurated in January, have recycled the argument and reinvented the next legitimate inauguration date.
They say that on March 4, 2021, Trump will succeed the last legitimate president, Grant, to become the 19th president.
My fellow liberals and progressives who still think these people can be swayed with facts and reason, take note.
Anyone want to try explaining to her that the US Constitution wasn’t written until 1787 and wasn’t ratified until 1788?
Apparently, there have been 19 presidents from the republican party as well.
If you’re gonna create your own reality, might as well make it a fun one.
(During my medical residency, I evaluated an old woman who was hospitalized and rather encephalopathic due to a complex of medical issues. I asked her if she knew where she was, and without hesitating she said, in a matter-of-fact way, “Yes, I’m on a cruise ship.” I didn’t challenge her, because she was so comfortable in her knowledge of this, and who was I to take that away from her?)
(In retrospect, maybe I should have corrected her, since cruise ships are full of so many more sick people and infectious illnesses.)
Not it!
I want him to address when he’s going to come forth and say, “I AM.”
This isn’t about presidential politics.
Not that there was any doubt, but that’s the most boldly I’ve heard someone say it without getting cute about it being “just a joke.”
If she really believed Trump was President she would be blaming him for everything she’s complaining about.
Ah, so there was widespread voter fraud, y’see, all those women folk casting ballots…