Trump wins big in Iowa GOP caucus

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum recently endorsed Trump despite earlier statements insisting that the GOP nominate a candidate who could be trusted to act legally and ethically.

When the interviewer asked how that position fit with a candidate facing 91 criminal indictments his answer was “well, you see the more charges he’s facing the more voters are convinced he’s being targeted through a political witch hunt.”

So in short the more crimes he commits the more trustworthy he becomes. Fucking Bizarro World politics.


Again, POLLED voters… polls are not that accurate about capturing what people actually believe.

No, but that doesn’t mean we should relax.

According to the NPR story I posted, far less than that…

Someone sent his family death threats, I’m sure.


The only polls I’ve seen showing her that close are from American Research Group, and they’re a garbage pollster. Haley will probably do better in New Hampshire, but she’s not going to win, and then it’s off to South Carolina, where she will get embarrassingly smoked in her home state. New Hampshire is not typical of Republican states. There are a lot more independents, and a lot more moderates. Even a win there by Haley won’t mean much.

Anyone who thinks this wasn’t a strong win for Trump is, in my opinion, engaging in wishful thinking. This was a big win. He’s going to cruise to the GOP nomination. It will all be over after Super Tuesday. Now, do I think he’ll beat Biden in November? No, I don’t. I think Biden will win by a larger margin than he did in 2020, as long as he takes the gloves off. So I’m not being gloom and doom here. But to suggest this wasn’t a big win for Trump is just ignoring the numbers.


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About half of the GOP doesn’t like him. In Iowa. Chew on that a bit. He’s not going to do any better in NH.


Nothing in my comment can be remotely construed as me saying we should relax.

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Not liking him doesn’t necessarily equate to not voting for him. Republicans of all stripes only care about power, and if getting it means voting for a winner they despise over a loser they admire they’ll do it without too much angst.


That doesn’t mean they won’t vote for him. Some of those people still have the attitude that “Anyone is better than a Democrat.”


And @danimagoo - they are currently circling the wagon behind Trump. :woman_shrugging: The only people who said that they might vote for Biden was some of Haley’s supporters. Everyone else will back Trump, it seems.


A big plurality of Haley voters are saying they will vote for Biden in the general if Trump wins the nomination. I think Biden would have a far more difficult time beating her in the GE than Trump.

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I am going off of wiki primary stats, which probably aren’t the final numbers, but they said 186,932 voted in 2016, vs 110,298 yesterday.

Either way, it is a reminder of how few people vote in primaries (which I am often guilty of as well, but will be making an effort moving forward.)

That represents less than 15% of the total number of registered Republicans in the state

It was, and you’re probably right, but I’ve just seen the tide turn several times in election years, and I don’t count the chickens before they hatch. Though TBF, Trump is different than past candidates, so he looks to be an exception.


First of all that’s almost certainly not going to happen. Even if she did beat Trump in New Hampshire the states that follow are heavily favored for Trump, including her own home state of South Carolina where he’s currently polling at about 54%.

But why do you worry about her getting the nomination more than you worry about Trump being the nominee? It’s painfully clear that he’s got a very plausible chance of winning the general election. The general election is going to be very close, and we’d be foolish to think otherwise.


Some cold comfort: No winner of the Iowa caucuses since g.w.bush has gone on to win the presidency. (“does that ‘cold comfort’ include wind chill?”)


A plurality? I’ll believe that when I see it.

Possibly. It depends what Trump’s base would do. I can’t see a lot of them voting for Haley because racism (ETA: and sexism). They might stay home or write in Trump. It’s hard to say.


Even then I can’t believe them. If given the opportunity they’ll vote for Manchin or whatever other traditional Republican No Labels runs as its nominee.


She’d peel off enough 2020 Biden voters to be way more competitive in the GE than Trump.

if only someone had just said that… like, right above you…

And that, of course is a tiny number of voters, far less than the minority of hardcore MAGA, but we should not discount that…

Excuse Me Reaction GIF

You’re discounting the deep well of racism and misogyny that animates some voters, even those supposedly “on the left”…


Weird… are the NPR numbers way off then?

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We know what some of them might do…

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Who would vote for her? It’s not gonna be the anti-war crowd… it’s not gonna be the dudes who refused to vote for Hilary? So, who, exactly, do you mean?


Educated country club Republicans who held their nose and voted for Biden last time. She’s the excuse they need to vote GOP. I mean, this is totally obvious.

I’m going to jump off this Haley discussion train. It’s a pointless rhetorical exercise. She’s not going to be the GOP nominee.


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