Trump wins big in Iowa GOP caucus

Plus in 2020 Trumpy got 97.1% of the vote in the Iowa Caucus. Yesterday he only got 51%. Why is his support diminishing?


Those guys are just as racist and misogynistic as the rest of the party. It’s absurd to think that they’ll all of a sudden believe that voting for a WOC is okay… They didn’t vote for a white woman who is a pretty solid neo-liberal centrist.

And the condescension is NOT appreciated. None of us KNOW what is going to happen, so no, it isn’t obvious what WILL happen. At all. You’re welcome to your opinion, of course, but that doesn’t mean that what you think will happen is “obvious”…


You’re not the only one who noticed this. I am genuinely worried that Haley might somehow steal this thing and then we’ll be in even bigger trouble.

Where are you getting “a big plurality?” The most favorable poll I’ve seen said 43 percent would vote for Biden if Trump gets the nomination. And frankly I’m skeptical they really will, voters have a tendency to coalesce around their party’s candidate in the general even if they make a big stink about them during the primaries.


Is that a serious question? The other candidates on the ballot in 2020 were William Weld and Joe Walsh. I don’t even know who they are.


Because he was the incumbent and didn’t have to face any meaningful challengers for the party nomination in 2020?

If we’re basing his likelihood of victory on past performance, remember that he lost the Iowa caucus to Ted Cruz in 2016 and still handily won the nomination.


Somehow everyone keeps saying this about other candidates. Like there was a whole wave of handwringing over the chance that DeSantis might replace Trump, on the grounds that he would be so much worse thanks to his “competence”. Somehow the racist misogynist who let a pandemic flourish while he promoted quack cures, who was happy to watch hurricanes destroy places he didn’t need for votes, who was building concentration camps for Hispanic children, who keeps talking about leaving Europe to Putin, who has started openly quoting Hitler, and who tried to overthrow the government and get his own vice-president killed is never the main threat to worry about. Why not? What more do you need from him?


It’s chaotic, only if you stop and think about.

It’s not just Trump. The MAGA movement isn’t going anywhere and will be steering the ship of state if the GOP takes the WH. I’m just concerned that Biden would have a much harder time beating a more mainstream-sounding candidate in the GE. Haley, for example.

And some of us are asking how you’re drawing that conclusion?


Are you one of those people who were happy to see Trump get the nomination in 2016, under the theory that it would be easier for Hillary to beat him than to beat one of the other candidates? A whole lot of people had that mindset, but I would have hoped that everyone would have learned their lessons on that by now.

It’s always best when the less-crazy, less fascist candidates win. Period.


The press is spinning this as a big victory for Trumpy. I’m pointing out that it is not. Low turnout and less support than the previous caucus.

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The MAGA movement isn’t going anywhere. It’s the entire GOP, not just Trump.


It IS… again, the next closest margin was 12%. this is way larger than that.

And yes, this is a TINY number of voters, but it’s ALWAYS a tiny number of voters… we shouldn’t be letting a white state dictate so much of our early elections, because it’s distorting of how people actually vote. This is still a large margin for Trump, like it or not.


And that was just the last go-round. This time he has those competent people who’ve already formulated paths to consolidating power. Once he secures the nomination (probably before Super Tuesday) a lot of Haley’s and DeSantis’s current competent staffers (and likely DeSantis himself) will join them in supporting Project 2025 and other fascist MAGA initiatives.


No, they say 110,000 people voted yesterday. But re-reading it I see where it gets confusing. Their 900,000 number was for the election, not the primary. I wanted to compare primary to primary voters to see if more people came out or not, as they are always way less than the main election.


Literally every other person in the world, including his own family, hates Ted Cruz; yet he still wins elections…


It’s not just press spin at work here. You are engaging in wishful thinking if you believe this isn’t a big win for Trump.

He spent half as much money as either of his two biggest challengers and still got more votes than all his rivals put together. For a contested caucus where none of the candidates was the incumbent that is an absolutely historic margin of victory.


Or any single state for that matter.

Even Republican voters get screwed by the current system, because the state with the largest number of Republicans (California) is all but ignored during the primaries. That’s why we always end up with candidates spending months and months supplicating themselves to a tiny number of corn farmers instead of figuring out what kinds of problems the vast majority of Americans are dealing with.


Speaking of blobfish…