Trump wins big in Iowa GOP caucus

Perhaps, but it is the whitest state and usually the most inconsequential when it comes to National politics.

That’s because of all the free press he gets from our “liberal” media.

With the help he gets from media, I have no doubt he’ll take the GOP nomination.
I’ve save my wishful thinking for arterial plaque.

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If Iowa is “inconsequential” then why do candidates spend such an ungodly amount of money trying to win votes there? When all was said and done the candidates spent a combined total of approximately $1000 per vote cast. Do you think the candidates would blow that kind of cash in Texas or California?

If you can’t make a decent showing in Iowa you probably won’t last long in the primaries. That’s why all but two of the challengers who had any chance whatsoever at wrestling the nomination from Trump dropped out either right after Iowa or as soon as it became clear they didn’t have a shot at doing well there.

So it’s silly to pretend this is anything short of a huge win for Trump.


Sure, from an advertising / content-driven perspective, it’s a no-lose situation. Love him or hate him, you can sell ad space off his behavior.

Only in part. There’s just a stubborn block of voters (~27% of the total electorate, so ~51% of GOP voters) who’ll support him as their fascist, white supremacist saviour no matter what.

The corporate media has been playing both sides during the GOP primaries in the name of sensationalism: giving free press to the flamboyant huckster but also pretending this is a normal primary horse race.

They’ll play up Haley closing the gap in NH, then castigate her when she gets humiliated in her own state. By that time No Labels should be set up enough to let them transition to their next BS narrative: “a third party centrist candidate has a real chance!”


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Makes more sense now… Thanks!

And yet, that is the current topic, whether THIS particular caucus was a big win for Trump, and yes it was. I think there is an argument to be made about the larger electorate, and the general, but we’re not there yet, and this is about THIS particular thing.


White Noise is so soothing.

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The number of Republican voters choosing the Dem presidential candidate went down in the last election.

Winning Republican voters was not what won the election. It was motivating the base and new voters.


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I said “by accident” because it’s still possible that Trump will be barred from running for some reason, not because Haley will win any primaries. I am not expecting this to happen, but it’s still an open option. (In the same way that Biden or Trump dying unexpectedly is still an open option.)

If I understand the way it would work, the delegates at the convention vote for who they want to be the candidate, and if Trump is not available (for whatever reason) then those delegates tasked with voting for him will have to vote for someone else? And that would seem to me to be more likely to be Haley than DeSantis - assuming that they are both still formally declared? (But I may be wildly wrong about this and something else entirely happens?)

If Trump were somehow removed from the race, but still alive and capable of expressing himself, then the delegates would almost certainly just go with whoever he asked them to vote for. Personally I don’t see Haley as being a likely winner in that scenario.

But my question to you was a response to you saying “Genuinely worried that Haley will end up as the Rep. candidate by accident now,” which seems to imply that rhe prospect of her winning the GOP nomination worries you more than Trump, DeSantis, or some other candidate winning the party nomination.


More commentary from the Guardian…


Marge was wackadoodling today

Now that trump won in a big way the only answer is start a war.


It’s their next move now that Trump won so decisively in Iowa and will continue to dominate.

Never forget that the Biden regime calls Ukraine a democracy. This is one of the most corrupt countries on Earth who destroyed free press, tortured, and killed an American journalist, installed censorship on their people, and canceled their elections to keep a war going and the U.S. taxpayers money flowing into their pockets.

Washington is on a desperate last ditch effort to keep funding their losing war against Russia and have been turning the war machine to Iran.

To Washington, war is good business and feeds the defense industrial base.

The media loves it too. It’s great for ratings and the media keeps viewers screen locked and gripped in fear.

And now that they have finally accepted Trump is going to win with historic numbers, they will use war as a campaign strategy.

The Democrats have praised their beloved “democracy” of Ukraine and just like Ukraine Democrats would love to have a reason to delay or even cancel elections all “for your safety.”

Almost every single major social media platform, except hopefully this one, is going to censor you. Again. Because the communist democrats fully believe they must control the narrative of “truth.”

And we know what to expect from the media. Propaganda to convince you of the lies they are going to continue spinning.

Support their war.

Feel sorry for their next chosen group.

Hate their enemy they tell you to hate.

Be labeled racists and every other hate label they can create and smear us with just because we disagree with their agenda.

Comply to their rules “for your safety” from whatever is the current thing they tell you to fear.

But the next war is going to suck everyone in on a level none of us want and in ways generations of us have never seen in our lifetimes.

Because they are now desperate and view war as their only option to continue to hold power and stop us from breaking free once and for all.

Losing and accepting they will lose and changing their ways because the American people hate Democrat policies is not an option for them.

Total and complete control and compliance is their ultimate goal and they don’t want you to have a choice.


Sounds like she’s dancing a wackadoodle around a hyper paranoid security briefing that she heard from a friend of a friend.



… at this point we’re past “unexpectedly”

Nobody lives forever except Jimmy Carter :older_man:


Wack-a-fucking-doodle indeed.


OK, fair enough. I didn’t make it clear in my original comment that I was talking about a scenario in which Trump wasn’t eligible (which was, as I noted, the intent of the words “by accident”), and the question I was interested in was which other candidate would have to be chosen by the Republicans.

And if the choice for them was between DeSantis and Haley (without speculating on who Trump would ‘choose’), I am definitely more concerned about Haley being the candidate because she has the potential to tempt back the “anyone but Trump” people who might otherwise abstain or (heaven forfend!) vote for Biden. Whereas DeSantis has enough reputation burning already that those folk are not likely to back him even to stop Biden.

But she appears to be just as dangerous. Yes, I accept that she’s probably not as wedded to the idea of ‘dictator for life’ concept that Trump seems obsessed with (even though I don’t think that even now he understands the constraints he would be under, rigged Supreme Court or not), but she seems happy enough to deny her previous positions and rewrite history with the worst of them.

I think we over that phase. It was 8 years ago. It was stopped 3 years ago. This time, without doubt, it will be sudden and deadly. The honeymoon is over. It won’t be Brexit. It will be the “Night of the Long Knives.” No one needs to guess. They had been saying it in the past 4 years. They get into power by luck last time. This time, they’re determined and having a plan:

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I 100% agree with your assessment above. But every single Democratic voter, especially in the swing states (you know who you are) needs to vote, get their likeminded family to vote, get their friends to vote, and do anything else within their power to make sure Donald F’ing Trump never gets within 1000 feet of the White House ever again. It’s up to us.