Trump writes that "Aircraft One" may do a "low & loud sprint" over his military parade

TRUMP = The Rash Under My Penis


There’s a lot of room for humor and ridicule here, but my take away is this - my family has been in what is now this country since the 1600’s, and Mr. Trump most assuredly does not speak for me.


I suspect this is it, and there is ample reason to think that.

PSA: Stranger Things Season 3 dropped today

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I suspect poor weather will be welcome news for Trump. It will explain the low turnout, and “That’s right, let’s BOO the rain! It ruined my big event. BOOO! BOOO rain, BOO!”



That’s not quite right either.

Those shiny helicopters that fly him from the whitehouse lawn? The Marines own them. When he’s on board one of them it becomes ‘Marine One’.

Edit: ninja’d by … everyone :blush:


Followed by a neat pivot on to climatechangeisahoaxmadeupbythechinese


Given that he is jealous of the parades seen on Bastille Day in France or on Victory Day in Moscow, this is such a cheap show. But it fits him, it is just what Trump University is to universities, Trump Tower is to hotels or “President” Trump is to presidents - it’s a parody.


“The whitehouse has recalled mike pence, and says that it has nothing to do with the president’s health”.

The whitehouse saying it definitely isn’t about tRump’s health seems like a big indication that there is something gravely wrong with tRump’s health.


Aside from this grand masturbatory gesture, let’s not forget our slow lean towards fascism and hollow worship of “values” that don’t exist in our country. Make the 4fh of July as uncomfortable as you possibly can for the favorite Trumpsters in your life, just like Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Especially today, given the spirit of what our constitution is supposed to represent.


aircraft one; america zero.

not a great score.

it really is hard to be gungho about america when we’re continuing to separate kids from their parents, putting them both in cages, and forgetting to feed them.

it’s not just 45 who makes this possible. it’s every ceo of private prisons, their investors ( who are sometimes us ), their countless defenders, and every person who raised their hand to be part of ice and cbp.

heck even the democrats handed over more money to them with no strings attached.

all this despite the fact the administration has a simple solution. stop detaining people before their court date, and follow the fing law: within 72 hours turn kids over to family in the united states, and if there is no such family then to health and humans services instead.


As has been mentioned here before, the aircraft is only called “Air Force One” when the president is actually on it. This became meaningful on 9 August 1974, when Gerald Ford was sworn in as Richard Nixon’s successor while Nixon was travelling to California on the presidential aircraft. The plane had taken off in Washington, DC, as “Air Force One” but had to revert back to its non-presidential call sign, “SAM 27000” in mid-flight because Nixon was no longer the incumbent president. (“SAM” stands for “Special Air Mission”.)


Wanted to see the tanks so watched some live streams. Saw no tanks. Marching bands. People with flags. Blimps. Everyone walking really really slowly. I don’t get it. I get, like baseball and cricket, that staring at nothing is its own reward. But this thing, how is it interesting enough to stand ten hours in boiling heat?

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TRump’s obvious dementia makes it feel like five minutes over and over.



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Over here, it’s rhyming slang. Perhaps that’s what he meant.

“Is there nothing else on telly except Trump’s parade? Bollocks to that, I’m off for a Sherman.”


The tanks are standing around somewhere because having them drive down the street would have ruined the street (an M1 Abrams tank weighs 60 tons or so). The whole thing is expensive enough as it is even without wholesale pavement repairs afterwards.


Conversely, in the film Air Force One the rescue plane changes its call sign to Air Force One when the President is brought aboard.


But they can do it in Moscow and Pyongyang and Paris. Is there something especially delicate about US infrastructure?

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