Trumpists and evangelicals make apologies for GOP Senate nominee accused of sexually assaulting teen girls

Even if it ultimately costs them future elections.

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So arguments it’s no big deal:

  • because only one of the girls was under the legal age of consent;
  • an age of consent above 14 is unjust (talking about consent, that weird shit about Joseph and Mary that @Kimmo addressed succinctly above);
  • it’s politically motivated;
  • at least he’s not a Democrat

I wonder how Moore, who has denied that this event ever took place, feels reading all of these justifications and realizing that not a single one of his supporters believes him for a second.


It won’t. The usual attention span of the voter lasts up to the next toilet break.

I expected nothing else from garbage people who justify their greed and lust for power with appeals to an Invisible Bearded Sky Man™ and His opportunistic representatives on Earth.


If only there was an actual Hell for them all to burn in.


It’s not just foreigners. I consider myself a garden variety Southern Christian, and I see this kind of fundamentalist rationalization/justification as comparable to IS/Taliban behavior. It sickens me.


And their ages are not addressed in the Bible. Mary is assumed to be young only because she wasn’t already married. The idea of Joseph being an older man was added at a much later date, and only because some couldn’t stomach the idea of Mary ever giving birth to later children, and since Jesus had brothers, they assumed they were from Joseph’s first marriage. There’s nothing in the story that precludes a young man, even a teenager, from being a professional carpenter.


I wonder how that would play out with all those faith-based abstinence programs still going strong?

What a gong show.

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Quick! Somebody try to connect his actions to pizza or to a pizzeria to confuse the hell out of some of his supporters

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That doesn’t mean the Republican Party has no power here. According to the Alabama Secretary of State, Moore’s nomination can be withdrawn either by the candidate (which seems unlikely) or the state party. It isn’t clear how the state party would go about doing that, however, but if they could make it happen, Moore’s votes would be invalidated even if he won.

I suspect that’s rubbish. Certainly the state GOP could remove their endorsement, but they should have no control over legally cast votes.


Sarcasm: Well, it’s not like we expected this.
Sarcasm, satire, and parody are now insufficient to provide relief.

I’d suggest that we’re entering a new era of absurdity.
This new era is the opposite of Dadaism, being hypersensical rather than nonsensical.
This new era will take everything seriously in order to mock it into oblivion.

To wit, my definition of the term “Fractal Poe.”

“Fractal Poe,” 4 Corollaries to Poe’s Law:

  1. When Poe’s Law becomes caricatured through its use, abuse or misunderstanding to the point that any refinement of the law becomes self-referential and paradoxically meaningless.

  2. A feedback loop of absurdity highlighting massive injustices through social commentary, in anticipation that any absurdity will ultimately be misunderstood, thus making it impossible to comment.

  3. The increasingly smaller and smaller interval time between the online misunderstanding of parody in ratio to the increasingly newer and newer revelations of real-life, real-time absurdity. The ratio is therefore theoretically capable of infinitude or singularity in a world where Poe’s Law is axiomatic.

  4. Colloquially, when a sense of helplessness and a sense of moral outrage reaches equilibrium or parity (not parody).

More seriously, I’d recommend the Adam Curtis documentary “Hypernormalization” to get a grasp of what’s happening socially in terms of propaganda, disinformation, confusion and outrage.

EDIT TO ADD: #4, definitions

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Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Mary was a teenager, nor of an age where it was unacceptable to be married. Joseph’s age is similarly absent.


Politically Motivated?

Of course it’s politically motivated. I do not want these assholes running our country. That’s politics


That “Moore’s votes would be invalidated even if he won” line seems a little weird and out of place. I feel like it’s clear from the surrounding text that they are saying the Republicans can’t even take him off the ballot, the best they can do it withdraw their support for him. So I guess they are talking about the votes in the primary? But then “even if he won” wouldn’t make sense. Looks like a bad bit of editing.


Oh, Gawd! Thanks for the laugh! :joy:


Anthony Weiner went to prison for less than what Moore is alleged to have done and with a younger girl. Hannity doesn’t understand what consensual means from a legal standpoint.


There’s really only one bible verse needed to explain and understand the Trump-era GOP:

Proverbs 18:2 – Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinion.
(New Intl Version)


When Moore talks about being in the middle of a spiritual war, it takes me back to the church I grew up in. There, it was more plausible that a vast, literally demonic conspiracy was at work than perhaps a conservative christian did something bad. Horror movies are ruined for me forever, because where the fuck do you go after you’ve lived the horror that “everyone who disagrees with me is demon-possessed?”

There was a moment as a child when I actually thought that Al Gore invented recycling as a part of the homosexual agenda. That made sense at the time. I didn’t even live in the south. It’s everywhere.

Sane christians, please fucking vote. You don’t want these folks running things in your name.


Its actually pretty blasphemus - He’s claiming that Joseph had sex (possibly raped) with Mary, and that she was not a virgin and there was no immaculate conception. Pretty outrageous claims.


The events of the past year weren’t exactly helpful to the Republican party in this last week’s elections; progressives pretty much swept every major race. If the Republicans support a known pedophile for a special election in 2017 it’s not something likely to help their image heading into the 2018 midterms.