Trump's big VA meeting at Mar-a-Lago weirdly canceled at last minute after this awkward moment

Agreed. This was more about working in the “Southern White House” bit. Probably partly true about the dogwhistle, but I think as well a way of making membership more attractive. I bet there is another surge in applicants soon.


Stop trying to make “Southern White House” happen.


Oh, of course not.

Welcome to Boing Boing, comrade.


And he keeps track of who sleeps in which bed. Definitely not creepy.

Neverland Meets Graceland - Secret Weddings, Rollercoaster Romances, Lisa Marie Presley, Michael Jackson August 15, 1994, Tom Gliatto, People

This much seems certain: The two definitely get along and enjoy hanging around together. When they stayed a week at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla., last winter, they spent each evening, says Trump, “holding hands and talking until the wee hours”—even if they did always adjourn to separate bedrooms.

I wouldn’t have thought Trump and Michael Jackson had so much in common.

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Trump says Germany needs to pay the US more for “protection” as part of NATO.

  1. Who are we protecting Germany from. . . Russia? :laughing:

  2. Maybe they didn’t shake hands because behind closed doors he grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back, screaming “Where’s my money, bitch! It would be a shame if something bad happened to this nice country you got here.”


I don’t think you are being antagonistic, and your comment is valid. I would like to point out that for all the wonderful legacies FDR left us with, 85 years ago there wasn’t much of a racist dog whistle. It was more Strange Fruit and twice as many water fountains than dog whistles.


This is precisely the kind of nerdish pedantry that deserves a medal.


And/or he was afraid his little petty dominance display wouldn’t actually work with her.


Is the administration trying to distract us from its incompetence with … incompetence?


“There’s one White House. It’s in Washington, D.C.”

Were you guys this hard on the “Western White House” from an earlier administration?

Or Kennedy spending huge amounts of time at his (very wealthy by way of bootlegging alcohol ancestors, essentially the drug cartels of the day) family compound in Hyannisport?

I agree, Trump is a twit and worse but let’s use an even and level measure and make sure to not lose perspective on things or we become as bad as the opposition.

Keep a sense of perspective…

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Orwell described that as NewSpeak i.e. if we say that a word is a “dogwhistle” then it can be placed off limits for conversation in the presence of INGSOC ears. Little wonder that there is the recurring theme heard from those who live in the south (allow me to use that word because a cardinal direction cannot possibly be a dogwhistle) that there is indeed such a thing as “coastal elites” the roll their eyes and anyone or anything that deviates from accepted orthodoxy.

If identifying oneself as a southerner or describing something as southern e.g. fried chicken is suddenly code for white supremacy the nascent “Democrat Southern Strategy” will have a difficult time gaining traction in that region of the country. Can’t we all just get along? Let’s not let regional supremacist language divide us.

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No, cuz I’ve never even heard of it. Which administration, and where was it?

Maybe read the OP more closely? Trump is on track to spend ridiculously larger amounts of time on vacation (and away from Washington) than any prez, ever. The guy who, you know, regularly blamed Obama for taking vacays far less frequently than Trump has been doing.


Trump’s probably going to complain to Marvel that Captain Rogers still hasn’t reported for mandatory registration under the Sekovia Accord.


My perspective is that comparisons to past presidents and their admins are largely unhelpful, because our current society has never had to contend with this level of flagrantly obvious incompetence and corruption on the part of the government; nowadays, they don’t even care enough to keep up the facade anymore.

45 is more than just a mere “twit”; he could potentially be the catalyst for the demise of our civilization.



Yes, let’s all get along. I am sincere when I say that. And I bet if you and I sat down to a cold beverage we would find a heck of a lot in common.

Not everything is racism, or classism. Sometimes it is just plain old Being A Jerk, or forgetting to listen. However, given that our current POTUS has publicly expressed xenophobia, sexism, and hostility towards people that aren’t like him, I guess Occam’s Razor is our most useful tool.

If ya talk racist, act racist, then call your home the Southern White House? I mean, come on.


Palm Beach should be careful. This is what happened to the previous Southern White Supremacy House.


Putin warned him that she’d rip his arms off and shove them where it would be awkward to tweet on the john.


People meed to learn a little history. “Western White House” isn’t that old.

Trump is not the first President to spend a fortune of other people’s money on their little vacation retreats and travel or to hold important meetings someplace else. LBJ used to have barbecues on his Texas ranch that were essentially state dinners. And don’t think that didn’t cost the taxpayers a major bundle for the time.


The “we” I reference is everyone. Far too many people willing to jump off the deep end at every imagined slight or fault they find or partial fact they see. Give the bad guys ammo by being wrong and they will climb all over that fact. Trump it an idiot but keep to real facts and that keeps cutting his feet out from under him.

And never forget, somewhere behind the smoke and fuss, there’s some very clever people pulling his strings I suspect. When the magician makes a showy gesture with one had, never stop watching the other hand, the quiet hand.

And always find out if your own side has been wallowing in the mud before you complain the other side is tracking it in on the carpet. :wink:

Attempt to marginalize the magnitude of this current fuckery:


Butbut, the Western White House! LBJ!!!