Trump's brand sinks with him

You might want to check the demographics. Granny with the flip phone is vastly more apt to vote than 20-somethings. These people go to the grocery store for entertainment. They don’t miss voting day. It’s like the prom.

I always knew this, but I didn’t realize quite how much until I saw this today:

In 2012, Obama won 693 of America’s 3,100-plus counties (22 percent) on his way to winning 62 percent of all Electoral College votes. Under the “Vote Swap" scenario described above, our model projects that Clinton would win the election with even fewer counties: just 631, or 20 percent, the lowest share for a presidential winner in modern history:

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And some day, that will be all of us! :wink:


Yeah :pensive: Someday far sooner than I pretend…


But Granny with the flip phone who " is less apt to really know or care". Older folks are more likely to vote. But not necessarily because of or in spite of having no clue what’s going on. Those who are less likely to know or care what’s going on are less likely to make it to the polls. Old or not.

Generally speaking the more people who vote over all, particularly the closer the electorate gets to the general population. The better the left does. Whether those people are well informed or not. Because old, white, male, and rural are a smaller and smaller demographic.

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I truly wish the Trump rallies I see video from were filled mainly with old, white, male, rural people.

Well that would be the core. Any demographic characterization is going to be a generalization. But dollars to doughnuts those videos you’ve seen are almost certainly filled with white people. I’ve yet to see images of a Trump Rally that wasn’t almost entirely white. The ones that take place near me are certainly almost entirely white. Though the news coverage I’ve seen seems to like checking in with the young people there, and the women. The more in depth stuff I’ve seen loves to point out that they’re heavily male and over 40 as well. Attendance has supposedly been dropping, despite Trump’s claims to the contrary, since the primaries.

I’m not claiming Trump doesn’t have a dedicated following with a large group of people. Just trying to stress that they’re, generally speaking, outnumbered. The GOP is increasingly out numbered. And Trump can’t even seem to swing all of them, despite being the defacto leader of the party right now.


Hey, I’m ready for voting prom whenever it happens! :wink:


People who believe that only they and a select few see the world as it truly is, which everyone else is too stupid to understand or too weak to accept, are assholes? Get out of town!


No, no, no.

We want them off of the continent. Just out of town isn’t far enough.

I don’t know about a select few, but it’s certainly a minority who aware that our culture is steeped in psychological warfare. The premise of The Matrix is without doubt a true story, as an analogy.

If you think reality bears much resemblance to the dominant paradigm, you’re sadly mistaken. It’s not like it’s in the interests of those who shape our society for people to recognise our situation for what it is, or to get a glimmer of the vast oceans of human potential squandered as a matter of routine.

I’d love the majority to see it; it’s not like I’m happy for the world to go to shit just so I can feel smug. But unfortunately, half the populace is dumber than average, which itself isn’t all that bright. But of course, that’s partly by design.

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I dunno; “person imagines they see a hidden truth, but is actually just engaging in a simplistic power fantasy, all ultimately in the service of corporate profit” fits both Trumpeters and the movie fairly well.


He does have Roger Ailes on board now.

Well, Trump sued a guy for libel for printing that Trump was worth maybe $250 million, and when he had to give evidence to the court as to his being worth billions of dollars, he said in a deposition that it was based on his feelings, and the valuation would rise and fall from day to day as his feelings would change. Surprisingly, he did not win.


Shouldn’t that title be “Separating a congenitally deformed union”?

he’s sounding pretty asthmatic at the debates already.

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