Trump's choice to replace Liz Chaney is a man who impregnated a 14-year-old girl at age 18

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Given that the quiverful movement encourages child marriage, I think a statutory ban is still necessary.


It’s disgusting what he did. My point is that there’s sooo many reasons he’s unfit for office. The sex/impregnating/possibly driving to suicide is of course awful but it shouldn’t cause one to overlook everything else.
Hope that’s a little clearer.

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Banning marriage sure, but who and how do you punish when kids hook up?

Should I have gone to Juvenile Detention because I fooled around with my friend in Junior High?


I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but will say it anyway: if this guy was truly “pro-life” (anti-choice) he would strongly favor sex-Ed and access to birth control. I’m guessing he supports neither, despite his early experiences in how harmful a lack of those things can be for young people. Asshole.


We think of ourselves, thank you.

A little known fact: if you scream “pedant power” three times, then all the pedant pendants join together into one super powerful pedantic being. Unfortunately we can’t yet agreed on a name for this pedantically powered amalgam (or whether ‘pedantically powered’ should be hyphenated); pedants can be kind of a pain in the ass sometimes.

No this doesn’t have anything to do with the statutory rapist politician, and hopefully the US congress never will either


Of course not. But you bring up an interesting point-- the Juvenile justice system, such as it is, seems not to exist anymore. Juveniles are routinely charged as adults, and can even be sentenced to “life without parole,” for crimes committed as children.

Chiildren shouldn’t be pressured into marriage. The modern conception of childhood is a good one, and the idea of kids as merely adults in smaller bodies is a dangerous one.

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I bite my thumb at him.

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Spray cheese guy was also the makeup artist for the movie; the names are the same, anyway.


Most of the girls I knew at the public high school had had sex long before I did, and I was 16. I realized I was still nowhere near emotionally mature enough, but hindsight, 20/20, etc. Some had been 13. There’s no way any 13 or 14 y-o is ready.

Oh, and rape is rape, folks, full stop. Rape is violence, full stop. Rape is brutal, full stop. Anyone wishing to argue those points had best take a good, long look at themselves and the way they process information. They can also stay the hell away from me.


So, is this one of those golden unicorn torts where a holding corporation for this girl’s estate can be started, then sue the guy for an unlimited damage variety of Rather A-Mormon behavior?

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22 and 13. Married. Also 1st cousins once removed. At least, once this got out, his career tanked.


Ok, so he confessed to statutory rape, how the fuck is he not in jail?

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A lot of states have this gross loophole where you can get out of a statutory rape charge by marrying your victim. Seriously.


Is it just me, or does Q-Anon’s obsession with pedophiles look increasingly like a false flag to try to keep people from noticing the pedophiles in Q-Anon itself?


It always has been.


Easy Cheese DOES come in a can, though. And yes, it’s even worse than Cheez Whiz o.o’ .


In the last 10 years or so a senior in Austria or Germany went to court over crimes possibly done during WW2, where they alleged he was a member of the Hitler Youth. As he was a minor at the time of the crime, he went to juvenile court and the press restrictions applied - they could not print his name and video blurred his face.


That should be ENOUGH, though. The young woman DIED because of HIS actions. That is MORE than enough.

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The fact that he impregnated a 14-year-old tells us what kind of person he was as a young adult. The fact that he still can’t acknowledge that doing so was wrong, even in the wake of his victim’s eventual suicide, tells us all we need to know about what kind of person he is today.