Trump's dumb vocabulary gets even dumber when juxtaposed with Biden

I know. I know. I just can’t anymore.

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That was back before spelling was invented.

They had to ban the game of Scrabble because it frequently caused duals to the deaf.


All it takes is just one short sheet incident to make one wary.

I’m guessing that asshole was short sheeted multiple times.


No need for Trump to die so quickly. A stroke rendering him incapable of speech (and even less capable of caring for himself) would work just fine. Plus he might stick around long enough to watch what’s left of his family and business empire fall into personal and financial ruin around him.


He certainly wouldn’t learn after the first one.


OMFG. That coherent individual, or a standard derivative away, I could understand as a republican candidate [ETA: in 2016…eg. just aged, not decayed] (no matter how horrible a person he was at that time and has continued to be). The seven[ty] degrees of separation from THAT person and what we got is staggering.

I…seriously…mind is blown. I was able to watch the entire clip. I can’t accomplish that with 15s clips of the current state of disrepair. just … wow.

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