Trump's Easter Egg Roll is shaping up to be a disaster

Just imagine the kind of coverage this would have gotten in the right wing press if Obama had done the same thing. Imagine the vile things they’d say about Michelle Obama. And they’d keep it rolling relentlessly for weeks before and after Easter, and it would have impacted Obama’s popularity rating.


Yes, it’s a big dog and pony show that has very little to do with the children. There’s more to the Easter Egg thing than just the tradition. He’s the new belle of the ball and he needs to show that he can outdo the last belle. That’s what this is about. He needed to get this first one right.

Stuff like this is about how politics works in DC. The tickets they give out are coveted; it’s a way of showing they appreciate the work people are doing for their administration. It’s a way of showing who has favor and who does not. The Trump staff do not understand that this little gesture needs to be done right and is meaningful to people in the administration, that they do not understand how cutthroat DC is and how not making these gestures speaks volumes to people. The people who actually run DC will turn their backs on him because he did not do this thing they are used to.


Grounds for impeachment right there!


Bunnies. Eggs. This is the pre-Christian pagan fertility festival. There’s nothing Christian about an egg role.
(But, you are certainly right that people think that way. The Starbucks war on pagan solstice celebrations didn’t get nearly as much play either.)


I take it you don’t live near DC? It is a pretty big thing for people with little kids – about as many people as at RFK.


No eggs, but I’m sure there will be bunnies;




[quote=“doctorow, post:1, topic:98803”]
a thing that happens when you “dismantle the administrative state” and fire everyone who knows what they’re doing.


He can even scare Canadians!


Maybe it would be easier if they went with regular eggs and not eggs worthy of the Trump name/brand.


“It’s the single most high-profile event that takes place at the White House each year, and the White House and the first lady are judged on how well they put it on."

Sure, by all those observers who have withheld judgment on the Trumps until seeing how they handle the Easter egg roll.


Really, Bryan? You joined this site just to complain there’s a story that you don’t feel is important? I do hope all the other stories are up to your standards. Wouldn’t want a brawl on the internet.


Sesame Street is funded by HBO now.

These are more than worthy of that brand, much more, I would think.

Beautiful picture, by the way. The work put into those is so admirable.


I feel badly for Sir John Tenniel after seeing that picture.

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… And you could just walk onto the lawn of the White House without being shot.


I clicked the link. No longer accepting donations. They must have gone fast.[quote=“KingGhidorah, post:41, topic:98803”]
Just imagine the kind of coverage this would have gotten in the right wing press if Obama had done the same thing.

Right? There’s still people that believe he’s a Muslim. We’d never have heard the end of it.



“Couldn’t organize an Easter egg hunt” sounds like an insult along the lines of “Couldn’t organize a piss-up in a brewery.” Except it has added weight of being completely true.

This is symptomatic of this administration - they fail to plan for something, not because they’ve considered it, weighed the pros and cons and decided to not do it, but because they didn’t even know it was expected of them. Someone outside the White House has to bring it up, and then they scramble, incompetently to do it (and to one degree or another, fail). It’s true on every level of the administration. That they’re screwing up the easy stuff this badly indicates how much worse they’re blowing it with everything else.

It’s not about the Easter eggs, obviously. This is like the infamous band contract with concert venues that had a provision specifying the removal of the brown M&Ms - the band didn’t care about the candy, its presence was simply an indicator that the venue wasn’t competently run and could be expected to have failed on the crucial provisions as well. Likewise, a White House that can’t even organize an egg hunt can be expected to fail with the important stuff as well; this is not an administration able to respond to a crisis.


Technically, it’s an egg roll. Drastically different. :neutral_face:

Oh, and welcome to Boing Boing!