Trump's threat: 'Get rid of the ballots' — 'there won't be a transfer, frankly, there will be a continuation'

Messaging his acolytes, I would guess.


Yeah Trump has never had a job before, never been fired. He doesn’t know how to deal with it.


I think the Russian “observers” would prefer to have exclusive rights to our elections.


But isn’t it funny how on every single point, it’s almost like it’s intentionally vague, and you can trivially read your own meaning into it. Hmmmm…

He sounded stone cold sober in his assessment of Covid in the tapes Woodward captured, at length.

Well, back in the day, the UN actually sent armed forces into warring areas to keep things a tad more settled. Those images were from my childhood, probably the 80s, and then into the 90s in the former Yugoslavia. I can’t remember seeing fresh versions of those images in a long long time. But keep in mind – the UN sends election monitors into much “hotter” areas than the USA.

I thank you for putting it in these terms, and I agree we need to get real and ask ourselves – what will we actually do when it comes down to it? And what are we doing now?

I do feel for many people, we are holding our collective breaths right now, waiting to see what will happen with the election. It’s such a wild card, probably one of the biggest of our lifetimes. I think a lot will start moving in the days leading up to election day, and over the 1-2 weeks following.

Assuming Biden wins contested states and those states certify the votes, it’s hard to see how Trump can really end up on top. But it may take a lot to get there, and I agree that many of us will need to take action. I will say, I think for the public at large, this absolutely needs to be peaceful.

A lot of people are sailing down a really big river right now, and we call it da Nile. rimshot Sorry, gallows humor.

I have been saying this a lot more over the past days – it’s probably more useful to think of what passed for American democracy in past-tense terms. If we keep denying what’s in front of us, we will, well, keep denying what’s in front of us…

It really seems like this may end up being a case of “we shall see.” JFC…

I like to picture the NY Post cover the day his ass gets kicked the fuck to the curb (or better yet put in prison). YOU’RE FIRED!!!


Any suggestions for what we should be doing?

I’m not being sarcastic. I ask because all I ever hear is “vote!” and “write to your Congresscritters!” Which doesn’t seem like enough.


Never. He lies about literally everything but he never pretends to be anything but who he is. He is the poster child for “when someone shows you who they are, believe them”

I’ve been saying for about 3.8 years now (has it been that long? It feels like it’s only been a couple decades). Trump is never leaving the Whitehouse voluntarily. He will be there until he dies or is dragged out in handcuffs.


phone bank. donate. street protests. raise awareness when possible. and vote. :slight_smile:


Yeah but its always punching down. You can’t punch down to the USA. Quite the opposite. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan. You don’t piss off the USA.


If that happens to both Trump and Pence any time before 11/4, then I will start to seriously consider the possibility that there might actually be a god.


Or… other forces.


God, aliens, bigfoot, MI6, whatever… I’ll pray to whomever.


There is no truth or lie with him. He says whatever he thinks will benefit him during the moment he is talking. Occasionally what he thinks benefits him also happens to be true, but that’s just coincidental.


That’s not what I said though. I never said that he tells the truth, but that he doesn’t say anything he doesn’t mean to say. Trump doesn’t do subtlety, innuendo, or nuance. When he says he wants “get rid of the ballots” there’s no reinterpreting that to mean something else - he literally wants to try to “get rid of the ballots”. I don’t know exactly what that means in his mind or what he actually wants to do - I’m not a sociopath so I can’t even begin to understand his headspace - but I can guarantee it’s nothing good.


It’s not a threat. It’s a plan.


There ya go, folks. As others have said:
When a tyrant tells you what he is going to do, BELIEVE HIM!

He has no intention of leaving office. EVER!
Elections? Bah!
He has his devoted worshippers willing to kill and DIE for him! Elections mean nothing to them, unless their Lord & Savior wins.
Those Bozos are going to have to be dealt with, one way or another, no matter what the results of the ‘election’ are…


I think her optimism relies on the legislatures of republican led swing states. He doesn’t have to change the rules in all the states, only the minimum to give him the electoral college votes in a close election. Depending on how close, maybe very few, or even one.


I think he understands what the question is about but I do agree that he doesn’t understand how absolutely abhorrent that statement is to anyone with a bit of decency and any belief in democracy. He doesn’t understand that there are lines you don’t cross, even rhetorically.


no longer live in a Democracy

Spoiler alert: we never did. Our “democracy” has always worked to limit who can have any power and influence so that rich conservatives will hold on to those things for as long as possible. The last forty plus years have simply been a return to a more normal state of our Republic after a good half century of expanding the franchise and civil liberties and social programs that benefit all, not just the wealthy elitists.


Or now. Now is okay.