Trump's threat: 'Get rid of the ballots' — 'there won't be a transfer, frankly, there will be a continuation'

@anon21100188 I’m serious.
He means what he says

id buy that, except that he’s wrong and uses lies the vast majority of the time.

the thing is, the statement at hand isn’t one that can be evaluated for being true or false. he’s taking about his intentions. whenever anyone tells you their intentions it’s on them to explain themselves. especially if you’re president.

his main goal isn’t to make himself generally popular - or to make himself popular in the moment.

he’s specifically courting white supremacy and does so at every opportunity. he’s done it his entire business life, and now still as president.

it’s a specific plan and mode of operation. not just something that he accidentally talks himself into on occasion.


The people who are late in mailing in the ballots so that they come in after election day will be late deciders for the most part, right? Is it weird that everybody is expecting the late deciders to break uniformly to Biden? Or is it that we expect a whole bunch of flaky democrats to fill out their mail-in ballot and then forget to mail it until they hear that it is election day? I mean, I understand that democrats don’t vote as frequently and vote by mail more often but is that evidence that they are more frequent procrastinators?

I think the expectation is that the overall majority will break to Biden, so yes, most mail-in ballots will reflect that. The recent shenanigans at the USPS could easily result in some significant number of ballots arriving late.

What about the early results – which would be mostly from in-person voting? Those are covered by shutting down polling locations in urban areas, along with voter intimidation.


When are we gonna get that he IS the fire?



…and slowing down voting at the polls by inundating poll workers with more work to process the numnuts who received mail-in ballots but who now want to vote in person (somehow) because dear leader told them to.

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We should start shooting people?


I was thinking more about being prepared to defend yourself if you’re forced to.

Of course small arms wouldn’t actually be a match for the federal government but as I’m sure you’ve noticed Trumps militias are definitely starting to make moves. Everyone likes to joke about them being “LARPers” but I think a lot of them are taking all the fear mongering pretty seriously.

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  1. Takes “fake election results” argument to the Supreme Court.
  2. Trump appointees on Supreme Court rule in his favor.
  3. Shit-storm lasts another four years.
  4. Donald Trump Jr. or Ivanka prepares their election campaign for 2024.
  5. End of civilization.

With Jared Kushner lined up as Secretary of State and Erik Prince as Secretary of Defense.

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To add to the other suggestions, build community networks. Talk to your physical neighborhoods, create a safer more equitable area around you. If things go really sideways, in any way, a healthy community will do better. You’ll also be better placed to see the issues within your grasp.3


There must be an opening for the “My Pillow” guy somewhere as well.


The Democrats have issued a strongly* worded statement!


Thursday, September 24, 2020


Atrios at 14:30

* And by strongly I mean written in the language of liberal submissiveness and impotence.


Secretary of Commerce.


Diane Feinstein has thrown in the towel.


Just going to note that “will of the American people” is only seen as synonymous with “result of election” to people who aren’t claiming the election was rigged.


There are plenty of states in play that would allow for just that scenario NC, MT,AZ,ME,CO…

The Democrats will never pick up 20 seats. I’m hopeful that we’ll take back the Senate, but 20 is never going to happen.