Trump's threat: 'Get rid of the ballots' — 'there won't be a transfer, frankly, there will be a continuation'

Nukes, man.


Sure, but once the US goes down, I’d be more worried that those nukes are used against targets inside the (at that time probably former) US. There won’t be much attention left for the outside world.

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He’ll only honor the results of a free and fair election that he’s been saying for months is not going to be free and fair.


Exactly. The secret service will leave him on the tarmac of a New Jersey airport with a diet coke and bag of hamberders.


Just like what Lenin did after he lost an democratic election.


Somehow I picture the Secret Service either throwing him out by force or roughing him up:
“This was for making us expense out golf carts”
“This was for the penicillin resistant chlamydia your wife gave us”
“This is for the bedbugs I brought home to my apartment”
“This is for making me go to France and not even going to to the WWI memorial. GreatGrandpa died at Argonne!”


Actually, that was a strongly worded rebuke. Just because you were expecting weaksauce doesn’t mean we should pretend it was weaksauce.

Now, it needs to be followed up with action. What is Chuck going to do about it?




And if any of the nine (oh the horror!) ballots voted for Biden, we would never be hearing about this.

…and isn’t i extremely unethical (illegal heh) to even be revealing the contents of the ballots?

…also also only 7 “confirmed”, 2 “still sealed”…good lord.



That’s just it. In his mind he’s done it.


5.5: angry mob storms DC and stages a reenactment of Mohamnar Kadhafi’s ignominious termination of employment.


I wish. As far as can tell the Secret Service is pretty much evenly divided between cartel moles and white supremacists, both of which love him. After all, it’s not their money going to the Trump syndicate, it’s ours.




Sorry, actually. I’m getting more and more enraged at him as the days wear on and I’m posting increasingly edgy stuff. It’s because I feel allllmost completely disempowered, except for this supposed “voting” thing that’s going to happen soon. I don’t have much other outlet, so I’m saying all this shit online as if it’s going to make a damn bit of difference. I’ll be the last to roll over and die, but I feel like so many do: AAAAAAAUGH!


It’s just that only Trump gets to define “free and fair,” the his definition is it only is if he wins.

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It looks to me like he & his allies have already declared war on the rest of us. We had better acknowledge this. The Constitution & its various statutes and guarantees mean nothng to him, or them. Watch them try to legislate the election into oblivion…
It should be obvious to all that this man will stop at nothing to stay in power. Not sure I can blame him, either. Just look at the shitstorm he faces if he is booted out…

He has already said that any election result where he doesn’t remain in power is fraudulent; he has also said that all who oppose him are guilty of TREASON! Anyone care to guess what the reaction of his worshippers will be? Win or lose?
The only good thing about all this is Lord Dampnut can’t keep his mouth shut about what he plans to do. The bad thing about this is the oppositional PTB seem not to believe it.

I keep waiting… hoping that someone in the Dem ‘leadership’ will actually give this crisis its due & RAISE THEIR FSCKING VOICE ABOUT IT!
No, Bernie doesn’t count. I wish he did… Hell, I voted for him in the primaries, in TEXAS!. Talk about a symbolic vote. But I’m glad I did, & wouldn’t change a note. But the media still treats him as a curiousity. It is maddening to have to vote for the likes of Hillary & Joe… Centrist Republicans in a sane timeline… just to try to thwart someone infinitely worse!


What else can you say?
Interesting times, indeed.


Sounds like you’ve convinced yourself that the Dems will be useless, and nothing will change your mind.

If they did anything, it would change my mind.