Trump's wall was sawed through 3,272 times in the last 3 years with cheap tools

A wall as porous as his empty weevil eaten skull breezeway to Hell.


Just a little comparison/contrast to add to the conversation…


Dang, I was just gonna come in to say it makes sense something built while a cheap tool was in office could be taken apart with another cheap tool, but I have to say, seeing you completely dismantle an irritating sea lion was the highlight of my day.


Oh, nothing so straightforward - there were all sorts of weird, corrupt shenanigans with the building of the wall. Leaving aside the private wall building efforts paid for with donations (e.g. the scam Bannon was involved in), the entities that got government contracts seem to have gotten them based on lobbying and supporting Trump, rather than based on being the cheapest. So they weren’t the cheapest - but the quality wasn’t any better as a result. There was some evidence that just meant even more money they were skimming - one company, run by Trump supporters, rather ironically (and illegally) built roads into Mexico to illegally bring over workers to work on their portion of the wall (so they could skim the difference in pay). The roads also provided an easy means of entry into the country, which more than undid anything the wall as a whole did to stop anyone from crossing over, making the whole wall building exercise counter-productive.


We just realize that Biden can’t make the wall magically disappear.

Facts are facts. The point is that Biden can’t wave a magic wand and make the wall go away, nor can he control what’s under control of ANOTHER branch of government. Unless you enjoyed the last president’s constant attempts to subvert and undermine the purview of the other branches of governments (which I am guessing you did not), we sure as shit shouldn’t encourage it from a Democratic president.

No one said that. I pointed out that the story is far more complicated than Biden has deviously just carried on with the former administration’s policies, when it’s more complicated than that.

Did you expect Biden to issue an executive order tearing down the whole thing, which portions of existed long before Trump and was only marginally built upon? If you disagree with the border policy of Biden, that’s one thing, but it’s highly disingenuous to proclaim that he’s essentially just like Trump and to ignore the actual nuance of the story.

kid GIF

So is putting words in people’s mouths. No one accused you of anything, just pointed out that the story was at least partially incorrect.

Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF by Saturday Night Live

Also this…


Hiring Mexican workers to build the wall to “keep out” Mexican workers. That was literally the plot of a Squidbillies episode 7 years pre-TFG


Oh, yeah, like those “world’s fastest lumberjack “ contests!

  • See who can whack a hole big enough for 100Ks of pot in the shortest time.
  • See who can get the most people through the wall in 60 seconds.
  • See who can get the biggest pickup truck through.

I’d watch that in a bar!


FYI, the post has a “small” typo.

Yes, this is the same “beautiful” wall that zTrump bragged about and spent $11 million in taxpayer funds to build,

It’s actually $11 billion according to the linked article. :blush:


Nothing’s changed since the '90s, right?

Politicians are all the same :crazy_face:


Mexico is going to be pissed when they find out Trump made them pay for a shoddy wall. Oh, wait… /s


Why does everyone insist on calling it a “wall,” looks more like a fence to me?


It’s cheaper and easier to leave it up than tear it down. It’s falling over on its own and being sawed through. The legislative history of the wall was strictly along party lines, funding was blocked repeatedly by Democrats in Congress, leading to (Republican) Trump getting around their opposition by redirecting money from the Pentagon by declaring a State of Emergency.


That’s it, that’s all he ever was. The money is just a way of keeping score.
Maybe if Fred Trump told his son he was proud of him a little more often, we’d be living in a better timeline.


I live in the U.K., but even I was paying attention when it was reported that dTrumph was diverted vast amounts from military spending, including Vets spending, in order to carry on building this vainglorious and useless structure.
Just looking at it shows it’s a massive failure.


Please correct the typos. “11 million” and “2.6 million” should be 11 billion and 2.6 billion.


So, the usual Trump product quality then.


That’s a great point. We could at least leave a few sections where they won’t keep messing with the local ecology and build a monument. It should have displays and info about the horrible legacy of T’s border policies, including the child separation, the conditions of the “housing” provided, the scandals with border guards and ICE agents. I’m thinking of how they made that one really great mostly outdoor monument where the Berlin Wall used to run down Bernauer street in the city.


You mean it was a political stunt to throw red meat at his racist base while providing a financial gift to pro-Trump construction firms (which is basically classic Trump money laundering as that money was probably “gifted” back to Trump)?