Originally published at: Tucker Carlson blames mass shootings on nagging women | Boing Boing
“My wife kept giving me a hard time about leaving the toilet seat up so naturally I had to blow off some steam by massacring a daycare center. Women, amirite?”
The entire rest of the world would like to remind Mr Carlson that it exists.
No, wait, hang on a moment, no we wouldn’t. He might start using us as excuses next.
Rather than waste time, I’ll just quote myself.
Apparently no mirrors in his house.
They really need to share crib notes on their excuses. We’ve got women, weed, and false flag, none of which are related to each other. Really have to tie that story together:
"It’s clear radical feminist antifa agents, high on satan’s weed, took it upon themselves to torment this poor man until he snapped and shot up the crowd in an attempt to defend himself from the liberal agenda. You should be looking for women with dreadlocks, nose piercings, and who are carrying copies of Virginia Woolf books. They may or may not reek of cannabis, but definitely will smell of patchouli. "
“Why weren’t there any red flags?”
Er - So what if there were? I thought Tucker was against red flag laws.
Ironically antifa and radical feminists currently hate each other because they are on opposite sides regarding trans people. It doesn’t help that the radical feminists are making alliances with groups like Heritage Foundation and Focus On The Family (and worse), who antifa stand against as a matter of principle.
Unless this is a “radical feminists aren’t radical feminists, the feminists who say that they aren’t radical feminists are radical feminists” thing. That is only half right, in that radical feminists aren’t radical anymore after they drove out the trans inclusive RadFems in the 1970s.
Well, according to the GOP, ALL feminists are “radical.” Even the ones who are swallowing and regurgitating the hate-filled TERF narrative and not realizing the depth of the sewer its been dredged up from.
Wonder how Tucker’s wife feels when he gets home… “Should I tell him the grass needs cutting? better not, he’ll kill the children… oh dear… guess I’ll do it myself… whimper.”
Today I discovered with disappointment (and some level of confusion considering how she got her start) that Better Midler may have hopped on the TERF train.
Also, a senior editor at the NYT Book Review who used her influence toward malign ends.
[Back to the topic at hand…]
History will remember him, and not in a good way.
Does he cite any study or give examples to back up these claims?
Or is he simply projecting his own frustrations and desires?
If you have to ask…
Maybe the prescription should be that these poor men bake their balls under a sun lamp to fix their hormone levels after all the debilitating nagging.
She also tweeted out a Photoshop of the Supreme Court as bearded mullahs.
And this is why we need to stop calling these fascists some variant of “Taliban” or some other Islamic group (radical or otherwise).