Tucker Carlson seems to think you can catch prostate cancer from your idiot neighbors

Huh, wow. He’s not just talking about talking about covid, but listening to people (and news organizations) conveying new information about covid. In other words: “Stop paying attention to any covid news, Fox viewers! We want you ignorant and dead!”


Well, if you look at the reporting FL is indeed one of the lowest in the country.

For sure - the state goverment’s attack on the employee responsible for reporting the data, and that individuals return law suit are all well documented and in the public eye. Florida is lying about their data, putting all their citizens at risk –– the governor trying to polish his record for a presidential run. Its lies. The Florida Governor is a remorseless liar who does not care who he harms to chase power.


I just thought he was just a little drunk and slurring the name of his neighbor, Boris. Boris Badenov. He and his S.O. Natasha Fatale like to have [P|F|T]ucker over for dinner and drinks whenever they are in residence. They must be rich (and therefore ‘good’ people) because A) they live next door to [P|F|T] and B) they can afford to spend most of their time wandering around the country hunting…though they never seem to catch any prey.
Boris also gave him a very saucy bumper sticker to own the libs…World’s Greatest No-Goodnick

Adventurous men both over and under the age of 45 should speak to their partners about their prostates, because it’s not just about cancer.


I was going to make a really bad Requiem for a Dream joke here, but I restrained myself.


If he hasn’t heard people talking about their prostate for two years straight, he’s not hanging out with anyone over the age of 65. Of much greater concern is that he’s basically saying “Covid is SO 2020. Get over it.”


He wants more boner pill commercial money.


Or speak to their motorcycle.

For my exam, I was riding one of the school’s 150cc Hondas. They tend to shake and if you bring the revs up to just the right frequency to vibrate the prostate… Oh My!

I was literally pounded in the ass by a Honda Titan.


So did the doctor have his own motorcycle?


Also, the tenth highest ranked state with people dead from Covid. Which, yes, lowers the current Covid rate, but not something Florida should brag about.• U.S. COVID-19 death rate by state | Statista


“Tucker Carlson seems to think you can catch prostate cancer from your idiot neighbors”

Well if you’re a sphincter and your neighbors a nutsack then this is correct.


The Dec. 17th episode of On The Media (On the Media : NPR) has an interview with Angelo Carusone of Media Matters on the state of Fox News.

The utterly unsurprising analysis: It is really not a news channel any more, and pretty much exists to pump out partisan commentary.

The interesting part is this: Fox News has gotten so divisive that it has lost many sponsors, and relies for cable company fees for its income. It isn’t in financial trouble, but when you get 90% of your revenue from just being on the basic cable lineup . . . that’s a vulnerability.

Email your calbe provider and complain!

Here is what I emailed to Comcast officials:

Dear t _____:

I am writing to complain about the presence of Fox News on my cable line-up.

This outlet long ago abandoned even the pretense of providing unbiased reporting of current events. It exists solely to present partisan, and usually divisive political commentary.

Even when we set aside Fox New’s obvious political bias, the station’s commentators have over the last years spread manifestly harmful and divisive misinformation:

  • Falsehoods about the Covid-19 rhetoric, spreading misleading information about vaccines and alarmist rhetoric about public health measures such as mask mandates.
  • Falsehoods about the 2020 election, including the utterly unsupported "big lie" that the election was stolen from Donald Trump.

The overall tone of commentary has become increasingly alarmist. One commentator, Tucker Carlson, dabbles in “replacement theory,” a divisive canard popularized by white supremacist and antisemitic groups.

I deeply resent that part of my monthly Xfinity bill goes to fund Fox News. I urge you to consider dropping this station from the standard lineup.


Stefan Jones


I feel we don’t need to be as specific as prostate cancer. Or cancer at all really.

So limiting.


Season 9 Ok GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm


Yes, it’s always best to treat a disease after you get it rather than avoid getting it in the first place,/s


Simply calling it Fox News is false advertising.


Imagine telling people about your prostate everyday for the next two years.

thats what ppl DO


I know way more about middle aged male genitalia than I care to, thanks to TV and radio ads alone.

I heard a theory that they want their viewers to stop paying attention to covid news because they get their covid news from right wing sources, which are all disinformation. They realize their previous tack is killing off tens of thousands of republican voters in swing states, so they need to deprogram them. Not sure how true that is, but it’s an interesting theory.


He was a fast runner, an advantage in his business.


I think Fox considered not killing off their viewers, briefly, but quickly decided to keep going as they had. Since Tucker’s been a leading, unwavering voice on Fox with anti-vaccine conspiracy theories, I think that theory is especially untrue in his case. Based on what he’s saying, and especially the timing, suggests instead that he doesn’t want Fox viewers to know the latest news about covid - i.e. about the omicron variant, and how it’s so much more contagious, and how previous infections (which is what Fox has been pushing as the preferred way of gaining any immunity) provide no protection. Fox seems to want its viewers to be caught off guard when the government institutes any more public health measures, making them seem like government over-reach and an infringement on their “freedoms.” Fox has two new outrage machines - “critical race theory” and out-groups (i.e. non- white cishet Christian conservative males) “telling them what to do” about covid and threatening the established order. (The established order being where their group, the white cishet Christian conservative males, tell people what to do, not the other way around.)

Killing people with covid is just an unfortunate side effect, as far as they’re concerned, with radicalizing and firing up their viewing base. It might kill a few percent of viewers, but the rest become more fervent watchers - especially since health problems (including brain damage) are so much more likely than death. After all, an increasing number of people with brain damage can only increase their viewer numbers…