Tucker Carlson's head writer fired after online harassment and bigotry exposed

“I like beer!”


Or because they put some positive effort in to finding a partner :wink:


My my, that anthill certainly looks stepped-on.

eta: Looks like the place has been a toxic waste site for ages.



Well now I’m curious about the two governors that supposedly post there…




They used to have a problem of far more posters than actual people posting. That might still be true.

(The old trick of getting the newcomers to agree with a large crowd of dozens. $include dozensofus.gif)


Close enough :slight_smile:

Dude’s glasses look 29 years old easy, and his hair looks like it hasn’t been washed in 35 years. Don’t get me started on his shirt.

I’m not sure he needs to escape women.

Seriously, that is the face of a man who has never had consensual sex in his life.


Hands up everyone who squinted at his hair to see if it was spelling anything. :raised_hands:

Weirdest comb-over after Trump’s.


I will be surprised the day a FOX writer is outed for NOT being a bigoted PoS.


So now body shaming is cool?

i don’t imagine it was tucker that had the problem with him.

If you’re talking about “a slightly overweight Azn woman who is in her mid-30s and definitely looks it”, then no, shit’s not cool. If you’re talking about this mofo…


Pointing out to master-race types that they don’t measure up to their own “standards” isn’t body shaming.

(Blond wie Hitler, schlank wie Göring, flink wie Goebbels, as one of my grandfathers liked to say.)


It’s not, and I hate it every time it comes up for shit like this.

  1. Who knows what this guy looked like when he took on these views? And how many people look better with age, anyway?
  2. I’ve never once heard white supremacy explained completely in terms of “whites think they’re prettier”. It’s generally more in terms of “we are the pinnacle of culture/art/technology”, the same kind of thinking that ends up with people believing aliens built the pyramids because no way were brown people ever that smart.
  3. It’s the same shit as “all feminists/lesbians are only that way because they’re ugly”. So the president is obese. We’ve got a lot of obese people.

Humans really, really want to see patterns and latch onto them where they can. It makes things easier to deal with. The idea that someone turned to white supremacy because they couldn’t get a date makes us feel good, it makes us feel like we’re protected from becoming that way; it’s much more difficult to grapple with the fact that some people took such a different path that they ended up having the most evil of beliefs.


Re his turning oranger, I recall that Carlson “took a vacation” after the talk about holding a nazi stadium rally in the US - I mean, there not being enough white supremacists here to fill a stadium, and came back looking like he’d gotten a lot of sun.

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It’s also not body shaming to say that he should wash and comb what’s left of his hair once in a while, probably get a more flattering haircut while he’s at it, wear glasses that have been in style in the past couple of decades, brush his motherfucking donkey teeth, shave better, try to look a little less rapey when he smiles, wear shirts that his grandma didn’t give him, and (just an educated guess here) shower and wear deodorant. I mean, hypothetically, if one were to do that. That’s just helpful advice on hygiene and grooming. It’s on par with “your date doesn’t care that you own a book about Catherine the Great” and “stop being such an appalling little racist”. Body shaming, hypothetically, would be to call him “a grotesquely overweight pasty faced white boy who is in his late twenties but looks 45.” Those aren’t my words exactly, I’m just paraphrasing something someone said about someone else.


31 actually. Last time I saw hair like that it was being scrubbed off a baby harp seal after Exxon Valdez


I almost posted that one, but didn’t want to read a damn thing about his personal life.

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Don’t you try to make that same argument every time someone posts that meme?

Miss me with your concern for any White supremacist, be they real or fictional like the one being addressed in the image I posted.

You know what I hate, as a disenfranchised Black woman in America who is part of the working poor?

I hate it that I could be jailed, beaten or killed with impunity because of the hate-mongering rhetoric of White supremacist bigots like Tucker Carlson and his writing staff.

Somehow that seems like the bigger problem than worrying about a racist’s fee-fees (or your own, because that’s where such “concern” usually stems from.)


This guy is 34:

This guy is 46:

All that hate must cause premature aging.