Twitter engineers say Musk doesn't know wtf he's talking about

While you’re at it, grab this gif - I have a feeling you might need it again at some point…


joke GIF


Musk doesn’t know wtf he’s talking about


I really would expect for someone that once supposedly developed a banking and payment app would know this was not true. Then again, I bet he has never had any real exposure to PCI over the last 17 years (for all of his other companies it’s not really an issue)

I also bet that he had very little actual involvement with the development of the banking/payment service that he developed back in the 90s

He is in for so much…education


see also,

Not quite the same, though, as musk will always be given another paddle. But woo has he ever got the world in his palms.


I do remember that the original guy that created Dogecoin as a joke (who really does seem upset that people treat it as a real thing and is no longer involved) said that Elon asked him for code and tools related to dogecoin and could not get it to work - that he did not even know how to setup and use a python environment.

So, no evidence for, anecdotal against


Which might make it interesting in court as he explains his “autopilot”.


I applaud Eric for not going quietly. He went down swinging and connecting.


Musk replied, “Then please correct me. What is the right number?”
Frohnhoefer said, “Zero. The apps don’t make RPC calls.”
Musk fired him.

“freedom of speech” under Musk


I wonder why Musk suddenly cares about the Android version of the Twitter App days after rolling out Twitter paid Blue which you could not buy without an Apple ID and an iPhone?!?

(Apparently they were leveraging Apple’s ID system as their “verification”)


As the old proverb goes, “A MAGA and their money is soon parted.”

Though I think in the original version it used a different word than MAGA.


Hopefully he gets a better job than the one he just got fired from, because he’s the kind of person needed on teams.


what a complete ass musk is. like this one engineer is responsible for fixing all performance problems at the company.

engineers can ask to set priorities, but upper management ultimately gets to decide what the engineers work on.

no wonder so many people hate working for him


I can only imagine that everyone who might get stuck doing implementation cried out in terror on hearing 'From an information standpoint…They are basically the same thing. In principle…"

Sure, 30,000 foot idea guy; why not also mention that, from a theory of computation perspective, basically all commercially relevant software is a bunch of trivially varied special cases and demand a successful pivot to offering an ERP suite, industry leading CAD tools; and a gritty modern shooter to challenge CoD within two weeks? It’s not like I’m asking you smooth-brains to step outside of your complexity class or anything…


“Musk that shit.”

“This is all musked up now.”

“Musk you too, you futhermusker!”


… looks like he was CEO of something in the middle of 2000 but it wasn’t called PayPal at the time :confused:


… Considering that even at my worst, I don’t go in and Break Shit horribly and bring chaos to the lives of people who depending on what I do, Muskie could stand to lay off the sauce for a bit to see if can do at least somewhat better.

Unless you are an exchange admin, in which case there’s “over https” after those letters.

points to the baroque monstrosity of a hat on the hat rack with the Exchange logo embroidered on it

And it’ll be as expensive as dropping 44 billions on a site he knows nothing about the internals of- the PCI compliance people have less of a sense of humor and mercy than the SEC and FTC combined.

“Oh, you forgot one tiny thing? NO CREDIT CARD PROCESSING FOR YOU!”

… That sounds like something the toxic boss I had ~6 years ago tried to do to the sr. network engineer at [RedactedCo]: “I want you to completely re-do the entire network infrastructure for three sites and a DR facility comprising several thousand switchports across ~200 switches from the ground up in two weeks, whilst keeping everything currently online and performing a seamless transition to the new stuff, with no budget for hardware, assistance, or outside help.

Sr. Network engineer threatened to walk right then and there, but the CIO talked him down, and made El Turkey back down as well.


Somehow the ads, incl video, load quite quickly on Android, while actual content does not. Wonder why that is? :thinking:


Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people that simply refuse to believe rich people can be dumb and they will contort reality into whatever it has to be to make Musk make sense. The guy is a talented fundraiser in tech circles, but since he has stabbed basically everyone in the back at various points his network is not what it used to be and he cares more and more for the attention he gets.


I’m pretty sure Musk will want live streams just like TikTok livestreams on Twitter ASAP. That’s been my guess for the kind of direction he will go.