Unite the Right Jason Kessler was punched, attacked and chased at press conference

Looked at the right wing media recently?

Water being wet, they’re going to play victim in their own forum, with it’s drop lit fainting couch full of broflakes.


Most of the sane, rational people I know are too realistic to believe that.


Well, looks like a good time to post ol’ Danny Kaye again.


YES! making it dangerous for fascists to organize is the best self-defense we have.


So, the alt-right is now celebrating the death of Heather Heyer and the wounding of the other victims of violence at the rally. Why isn’t any large news outlet picking up on this? http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2017/08/13/nazi-memelords-mock-the-murder-of-heather-heyer-by-one-of-their-own/


Not everything is a photo op. I don’t mean to presume anything about who you are, but you sound like you’ve spent too long a spectator, looking for the underlying narrative manipulations, worrying about how this might look or what that might lead to, but this is already happening.

Ceci n’est pas un putain de photo. It’s a man being attacked, and defending himself. Should he have struck a better pose? Opened up a dialog? Hugged it out? Sorry for the sarcasm but I’m not sure how else to put it; what was he supposed to do?

There are nazis marching in the streets. It’s too late to worry about appearances and PR and who might be emboldened by what, because there are nazis marching in the streets. Y’know, like Hitler. Nazis. Bigots and lynchers. Mass murderers, working themselves up to mass murder. This is fast moving past the propaganda stage and I think we all need to keep up.

Best of luck to all you Americans. Stick together and stay safe out there.


So the unfair application (and probable fabrication) of “city costs” is the way to go? I have no doubt Ann Arbor’s ultra-lefty leadership would sign off on this, just as I am certain the city of Ann Arbor has not sent organizers a bill for law enforcement for the many “Resist” marches that clog our streets. It’s bad enough the Jaycee’s 4th of July parade has been turned into a politician’s love-fest. A government using lien authority to punish only those whose views they disagree with is petty tyranny, we have enough petty tyrannies from Ann Arbor’s city council already. Great proto-fascist idea you have there.

There are actual fascists killing people in the streets. And sitting in the White House.

“Proto-fascism” is not the key issue.


Are we to take it that you find it fair for the taxpayers to foot the bill for a group nobody wanted in town because their presence is nearly guaranteed to generate violence requiring police response? BTW - every permitted event (as in the event has a permit approved by Council) pays the reasonable costs for city staff required to support the event. Even UM pays. Why should Nazis get freebies?

Really, we get it, anything people in Ann Arbor do is tyrannical in your eyes, you’ve made that plain with every one of your comments. Why do you live anywhere near here if you hate it so much and the city’s very existence oppresses you so? Again, you’re free to put your house on the market, and unless it’s a steaming shithole, it will sell in one week for some absurd amount of money over a reasonable asking price.

Oh, and not even our venerable, clearly right-leaning, “newspaper” has any articles to support your hyperbolic claim that resistance groups “clog our streets.”


They don’t do their demonstrations for the sake of their targets, they do it to try and get the other white people to join them and to vilify the “liberals” and counter-protesters as violent, to garner sympathy from other white people. They don’t demonstrate in Oakland because they have no interest in showing off for the targets of their hate. Just people they can get to join them. So that, plus the danger, means they go to liberal mostly white places to demonstrate and try to garner some press so other white people will join them.

Physical violence is not the answer. What happened to the the good old “rotten eggs and tomatoes” method?

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Governments punish many whose views they disagree with - murderers, bank robbers, and so on - because the consensus is that these people are not welcome in civil society. If they wish to extend that to Nazis, I’m cool with that.

(I wasn’t familiar with the term “lien authority”, but a Google search leads down a rabbit hole of sovereign citizens, climate change deniers, anti-semites and libertarians. So now I know.)


And you sound like someone who didn’t read all of my posts on this thread.

The rally was an effort by the extreme right to define the narrative for the rest of them, and it backfired only because it cost someone their life. What I am saying is: don’t escalate.

I suppose you are going to be attending the next rally, since you look down on ‘spectators’?

I have no problem with that Spencer clip, in fact I like it.
It’s that it’s a large group that I can’t coutenence.
I can’t add reasoning, it’s a feeling.
Been there, don’t want to go back.

Nope, not buying that. I see these sad fools for what they are. And what they are, deep inside, is insecure, scared little man-babies. They may not consciously realize it, but the main reason they hate black people is because they’re afraid of them.


I think my personal sarcasm indicator may be broken; I am aware of why they choose the locations they do, and I disagree about that being their only motive.


They are also characterizing it as a “road rage incident”. Yeah, it’s terrible people all the way down.


I picked up a weapon and stood to post to defend our country and help preserve the rights of its citizens. The oath I took specifically stated “enemies both foreign and domestic”. Nazism is one of those enemies, sadly it is no longer foreign but a domestic threat - to which it should be met and dealt with extreme prejudice.

period. end of story.


I think I may not have expressed myself well. I agree, and they do so love to enact their hate on their targets. I just think the kind of pretend-legitimate demonstrations like in charlotesville aren’t done for the purpose of scaring thier targets (though I’m sure they condsider it a nice benefit), or at least not only for scaring thier victims, but to try and appear legitimate enough to get other white people to sympathize with them.

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