Unmasked shopper asserts constitutional right to sit on the floor in Costco

This is really interesting to me because I’m working on a piece about health officials making recommendations that state governors don’t follow.
When the health officials resign, the letters that explain why should be public. I’ll go look for some.

What I really want to do is figure out what kind of leverage is needed to convince Governors to not follow Trump’s view of how virus is spread transmission vs. scientist’s view.


I’m almost 70, and when I see something like this it makes me feel so grateful for my circle of creative, intelligent, kind, passionate, spiritual, progressive friends. Artists, musicians, writers, dancers, makers, healers – I don’t have a single Fox-addled MAGAt to deal with, just folks who have been woke for about 50 years.

Thanks (for being in my life), boomers!


No, those signs don’t prevent her from potentially infecting others.

Since this is Costco, they probably sell tents. Set one up around her and let her stew in her Costco-sized “full body mask” while you call the police to remove her from the premises. The last thing she’s going to buy at Costco is that tent.


All fine except for the calling of the cops. Never ever call the cops for anything except rapists and murderers. Just let her stew.

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Look for the bit on Nichole Quick


Cleanup in aisle three! Time to clean the area with a very wet mop applied repeatedly to the stubborn stain. I suspect than even the craziest old women have an aversion to water and disinfectant. Oh, and cancel her membership and confiscate her card while you’re at it.


“So? It’s only smallpox. It’s not like it’s bigscarypox… or autism. Time to bring it back!”




Dollars to donuts the amazing employee has a toddler at home. “Can I get you a chair?” Not all heroes wear capes, but these days the do all wear masks.


That’s what I wanted to do after learning they got rid of the Polish Dog.

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They aren’t though.

That quote explains why actual anarchists are wearing masks, because they recognise the authority of medical staff on the matter of disease. They don’t recognise the authority of Trump when he tells them not to wear a mask, or when he recommends his pseudoscientific treatment of the week.

The maskless are advocating nihilistic solipsism, if anything.


I would word it “My mask protects YOU”


Dear Costco,

Please exercise your membership agreement right to refund her membership and at the minimum, institute a 1-year ban.

Thank you.

Signed, John Q Public.


There is an old Robert De Niro movie where he literally says to somebody, “My cloth protects YOU”

( he was playing a priest, a “man of the cloth,” and he meant he wasn’t allowed to stab the guy )


What’s really wrong with these people is that they subordinate science and common sense to their political/religious fanboyism. Like: “Doctors say we should wear masks, especially when close to other people, but only lefties wear mask and the hell if I’m going to look like those damn commies!”
Or alternatively: “God sent us this virus so that our faith would be tested. Using a mask would equal to cheating, so I’ll let the Almighty choose what to do with my life”.

If that’s not a huge step back in human evolution, then I don’t know what it is.


I really don’t get this. Wearing masks in public is absolutely and certainly the least unpleasant part of this whole crisis. Like, it’s no worse than putting on shoes.


It could always be worse.

You could live directly next to your landlord, whose wife I had to explain to that, yes indeed, viruses can be cured and have been cured, by my own alma matter in her own city, no less- Jonas Salk, who led the team to create the vaccine for the Polio virus. And that smallpox has practically been eradicated as well.

You should have seen her head exploding trying to find a way to deny it but she was still trying

This is the same woman who insists wearing a mask really does nothing.

These people don’t understand science don’t understand basic history even when it’s from their own city.

The second I don’t need to give these people my rent money I will be a lot happier


Those distrustful of and hostile to science should trash their phones, computers, radios/TVs, cars, watches, and medicines, all products of science. Back to the woods!


This one? I saw this in the theater, I think.


I just read an article that quoted some Republican political consultant, bemoaning the fact that the Texas governor (after doing nothing) was finally doing some of things New York and California had done to keep the virus in check, now that it’s exploding there. I was confused at first as to the nature of his complaint, until I realized he was upset because the governor didn’t have his own “conservative” response (that presumably wouldn’t have required anyone to do anything) that contrasted with the “liberal” response of New York and California. As if there wasn’t a limited set of best practices, informed by the current science, that governments could either adopt or not. It’s insane. I’m waiting for Republicans to demand a “conservative” alternative to the “liberal” germ theory of disease, now. (Honestly though? Probably already happened.)

