Unmasked woman filmed berating other shoppers and coughing on them

Don’t worry, she’s not even going to crack the top 100 assholes getting outed for acting like assholes on the internet this month. But each one that gets called out also acts as a warning to others.


Plus, I’d note the fact that she did this, while someone was filming her (which she was entirely aware of) reeks of weaponized white privilege. She KNOWS that she can deploy white woman tears to defend herself and that someone will swoop in the defend her from the mean old twitter mob. I don’t buy that she doesn’t realize all this, because she feels secure enough to do this ON camera.



People are freaking out about others wearing masks in public seem to get triggered really easily these days.


Hey, not everyone is going to understand his sense of humor. Hilarious! Fortunately for him, everyone knows how well-developed the average judge’s sense of humor is.

I hear prison is a laugh riot, too.


Or a Hospital Administrator trying to drum up trade.

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FYI: in case you weren’t sure, this is a bad take.


another thank you for the learning. cathect is a proper word that will save me words.


One of my good friends has a friend that lives in some podunk town in Idaho and she’s a nurse. She’s also a mega MAGA and is one notch below people who think the virus is a hoax.
I’ve seen her nonsense before on my friend’s FB posts and she’s always been a lunatic IMO, but I never knew how much.
She got mad at me when I told her she was self-hating woman for being a Trump fan. Which made me happy.


It’s their screwed up mindset. To some limited IQ people, following a rule is akin showing weakness. They have to show their strength, but they’re idiots, hence the rebellion just for the sake of rebellion.



I was in line in the grocery store here in New Jersey, where masks are mandatory, a few weeks ago, and woman in front of us in the checkout line had a mask on, but her nose was exposed. She was about the 20th person I’d seen in that store wearing the mask like that that day, and no one was making any effort to keep distance from each other, and she was just the last straw. So I made the mistake of telling her she needed to keep her nose covered. She then gives the usual whiny “I have asthma, and I can’t wear it like that.” My mother, who was with me, is 77 years old, has had asthma her whole life, also has COPD, chronic bronchitis, and had one lobe of her right lung removed twenty years ago. She wears a mask, properly, with very little difficulty. Then the woman tells us, “If you’re scared, stay home.” I summoned every ounce of willpower I had access to and refrained from telling her to go fuck herself sideways. It turns out, she was a nurse. We are so fucked.


Where in New Jersey is this, so I can avoid that store?

I’ve actually been doing grocery trips by bike from Manhattan to stores on the Jersey side of the George Washington Bridge, near (ish) to the Jersey side bridge landing. The ability to social distance in most Manhattan groceries is just… not good.


Go ahead and try and watch some Fox ‘News’ as long as you can. Its horrifying
on many levels.
And yes, FEAR is what they inject people with 24/7.


A moment when a couple of store employees should throw a giant-sized lawn bag over her, tie off the end, and chuck her into the nearest dumpster. Sanitary.


And have her tested. Otherwise the people she coughed on have to put their lives on hold for two weeks.

I cut everyone a certain amount of slack. Every is tense, everyone is tired on this, but that exceeded it by quite a lot.


For every person like this who can’t keep their fucking psychological car on the road, there are thousands who are swerving dangerously. It might scratch an itch to smite this one super-prick, but the real danger is from the total mass of pricks collectively.

These are people whose defense against any troubling reality is to sneeringly deny it. By wearing a mask, you’re endangering them, by compromising the one thing – denial – that’s keeping them safe and righteous.

I don’t know if there’s anything that can make them not be assholes, but if there’s any chance they might get there on their own, the last thing you want to do is tell them anything. In the meantime, just avoid them like the… you know.


If you cough on me intentionally, then I might throw poop at you. If only to even up our trading of pathogens.


An omega mega MAGA? :slight_smile: Why are they always Trumpists? Never mind, I think I figured it out.