Well the thing is, Parscale is just a website guy. He did web design for the Trump Organization starting in 2011, and that’s how he ended up joining the Trump campaign in 2016. It’s actually quite insane (but also very on-brand) that he became the campaign manager, because he’s absolutely not at all qualified to run a campaign.
If only. I think it’s more like he’s picnicking from a constantly restocked basket (of deplorables), but each time it’s restocked, the food is of lesser and lesser nutritional quality.
And people will continue working with him as long as there is money to be made.
This is the nature of Trump’s administration, as well. Always working its way down the ladder in terms of competence. With each purged idiot, it gets harder to recruit new idiots of the same caliber. The campaign team will probably replace Parscale with the first intern that can explain what TikTok is.
…i guess I don’t really know what it is, either, but I know it’s banned in this house!
Parscale apparently was paid almost nothing for this initial efforts in 2016, and he was a large part of the reason Trump was elected. TBH, I don’t begrudge him gouging Trump in 2020, especially when Trump is so notorious for renegging on contractors.
By all accounts, he did master the cheap and effective art of dynamic Facebook ads, something at which the Clinton campaign apparently was caught flat-footed. But, sure, perhaps the problem is that he was promoted a rung too far.
Jesus. If there’s one demon who can bring Trump’s campaign back from the dead… If he can be “Bush’s Brain” he can easily be “Trump’s Entire Nervous System”. But, Rove has had almost no direct interaction with Trump’s Administration or Campaign…
That’s absolutely true, and that proficiency qualifies him to be a campaign’s digital strategist, but not campaign manager—that requires a different skillset than Parscale’s.
His mother is a sharp-elbowed grifter who bought fully into Trump’s toxic birtherism and continuing racism, - she’s hardly a role model for a well balanced upbringing.
I’ve known good people with shitty parents, although none of them were as high profile than the Trumps. I also don’t believe in condemning children for the crimes of their parents.
well the only problem with brad getting broomed is that they may bring in someone really competent who can get this turned… BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA who am i kidding? “BRING ME THE YES MAN LIST!”