Vegemite releases an "achingly artisanal" premium version

Even better, stick that cheesy toast under the grill for a few minutes. Chuck some sliced tomatoes on the top if you’re game.


Further evidence for my theory that Finland mainly exists to provide a punchline for the jokes that Danes and Swedes feel uncomfortable about telling about each other,

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So which huge international conglomerate currently owns the ‘vegemite’ brand and exploits the “Australian national identity” element? IIRC it’s about as Australian as Chinese-made MAGA caps are American.

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Bega Cheese owns it now. Which is also Australian.

Although Kraft is a distributor in the US, or has been at some point.

ETA: further reading on the Wiki page seems to indicate that while the IP for vegemite is owned by Bega Cheese, Bega Cheese is either owned by Kraft, or controlled by it.


What is not to like about spreadable beer?

Artisanal? This isn’t even packaged in a kilner jar?!!!

I used to keep some Vegemite at work but when I had a blood pressure scare I audited my diet and it turned out that Vegemite was basically 95% of my salt consumption.


Huzzah! It was in American hands for a couple of decades. Grumbling happened.


I tried the vegemite chocolate.
Not good.
No sir.


Sadly despite growing up in Australia I was never able to develop a taste for this. I love strongly tasting things, salty things. I will sit down and eat a jar of olives. I grew up on triple salted Dutch liquorice. But nope, despite liking it in principle it is one of only maybe 2 or 3 goods that induce instant vomiting (tequila being another due to strong memories of my wayward adolescence).

I once spent the night in a trekker’s hostel along a hiking trail in Scotland, and a trio of octogenarian hikers crashed there as well; one of them got up the next morning and started making breakfast on the peat stove with eggs, bangers, and toast. He spread Marmite on as thick as the hard c**ts version and grinned at me, “when ye get to be eighty, ya need the kick in the morning!”


I also have to say that Marmite/Vegemite is terrific when paired with eggs.

A piece of buttered toast with Marmite topped with a fried or poached egg – perfect.


Try taking your essential jar of Marmite into Australia and they will lock you up.

Bad enough if you have muddy shoes.

Oh god, so good. Soft-boiled for me.

Side note: don’t put Marmite in your coffee. It doesn’t taste terrible; the problem is that it will no longer taste like coffee.

Try this:

End result should look somewhat like this:

You can drink it as a shot or as a highball (or however you like it, it doesn’t really matter).
You can’t buy it pre-mixed.

The informal name translates best as Smurfpiss.

Vyvyan: I must be hallucinating. What’s a good thing for a hangover?
Mike: Drinking heavily the night before.


Huh. And I only found, just a few days ago, salt-reduced Vegemite. Think it’s 25 per cent less salt than regular. I’d never seen it before, but there it was, sitting on the shelf at my normal supermarket. I’m cutting back on salt, plus my (huge) jar at home is getting dangerously low - there’s probably only a month’s worth left and I don’t want to ever risk running out of the spread of the gods.

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Damn. I hope I can get it in the US. Vegemite can do no wrong in my book.

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These were pretty good though:


It’d certainly be a kick in the pants. I like vegemite, haven’t tried marmite, but I’ve been led to believe it’s pretty similar, and I’d say that “good c**ts” is about right, and much more would have me burping up meaty tasting acid the next day.