Vice Presidential candidates debate, 1 Oct 2024

“Illegal guns coming over our border”

WTF Couchfucker! Illegal guns come from Georgia and Texas, not Mexico


Mexico is the source of illegal guns? Northwest Indiana is the source for illegal guns in Chicago. Most of the country is nowhere near the Mexican border. Stop shoehorning it in to every comment.


Would you like a refreshing cold beverage, or some of my Pinot Noir?


Sure. I’ll have to pass on the Pinot. I am at the peak of some strong edibles.


“Christ have mercy”. No. This is the U.S. Pretend you care about the Amendment that comes first, before the gun one.


Finland has had big issues with alcoholism and suicide. I know they’ve made progress on suicide, thankfully. But saying that gun violence is a mental health crisis is bullshit. It’s the guns, stupid.

ETA: Walz: “It’s just the guns.” Thank you

ETA2: good point @chgoliz, thank you, blurred


And we’re back.

Topic: Gun violence

CBS: Sen V, you oppose bans; parents now being convicted of shooters’ crimes…

V: “I don’t know all the details.” Is pulling out the “my kids” card again. “Terrible epidemic on gun violence.” “90% of gun violence is committed w illegal guns.” Is now blaming Harris and “illegal MX gun cartels.” “We have to make the doors lock better.” “We have to increase school resource officers.”

W: I think all parents watching tonight: nightmare. His son watched a mass shooting. I’m a hunter, I own firearms. Our first responsibility is to our kids. In MN, we have enhanced red flag laws. Whassup w prevention of research on gun crimes/laws. We know things that work. I’ve seen Finnish schools. They have high gun ownership but less violence. Harris worked on this issue. No one is trying scaremonger. “You can still keep your firearms.”

V: “Christ have mercy” recognizes Walz’s son’s witnessing gun violence. “Frankly weird difference betw Finland and U.S.” Is citing mental health crisis as big piece of gun violence.

W: I was an NRA guy for a long time. I sat w Sandy Hook parents. Rural s------des biggest gun deaths in MN. Stigmatizing mental health. Doesn’t mean you are violent. “Sometimes it’s just the guns.”


Rural s——-s….yes, good point, Walz. (Sorry, didn’t block that word originally.)

And, don’t demonize mental health. Excellent response!


I think Vance actually likes Walz.


I think he wants to appear that he does.


Everybody likes Walz. He comes off as a personable guy.
JD Vance comes off like a scumbag.


100%, if anything the guns are flowing in the opposite direction—American guns are being bought up at American gun shows and being smuggled across the border to Mexican drug cartels. That’s what the whole “Operation Fast and Furious” debacle was all about.


The housing crisis isn’t undocumented migrants living 6 to a room, it’s companies buying up housing stock.


Walz just brought that up—“it’s people treating housing as commodities.”


W: housing… we need to make housing more affordable. MN is investing in housing, cut red tape, local folks get assistance. Cites veteran’s home loan. Uses Minneapolis successes in housing. People in stable housing have stable jobs, stable schoolkids… we can’t blame immigrants for housing issues. Use fed govt to kickstart change.

CBS: V, where are you going to build all the homes you are promising?

V: "we do want to blame Harris for letting immigrants in, to compete for scarce housing… " “drill baby drill” “if we open up ‘American energy’ then we lower housing costs”

CBS: where are you going to seize federal lands to build houses, as you claim?

V: intentionally vague; “kick out immigrants”

W: border crossings are down from when DT was in office; there’s not a lot of federal lands–lands are not commodities; which economists are saying “immigrants are creating housing issues”

V: “it’s not the entire driver of housing issues” “it’s also Harris and her regulations”

W: I get this as a governor: regulations are congress’s purview

ETA: typo corrected


I’m at an event tonight and can’t watch. Who’s doing better?


Chris Pratt Marvel GIF


CBS: pre-existing conditions, ACA, healthcare

V: “when DT was president, Rx drug prices fell” “DT responsible for price transparency” “DT has said if we allow states to experiment” re healthcare—T saved Obamacare; T worked in a bi-partisan way to make sure U.S.ians have access to care"

W: I was there. I come from a major healthcare state. Mayo Clinic. Medtronic. Under Harris, more people are covered than ever before. Go back and remember this: T ran on “repeal ACA.” T signed onto lawsuit against ACA. Harris negotiated drug prices for Medicare. When T said “I have a concept of a plan” cracked me up. Harris will protect and enhance ACA.

V: “we want to keep the protections re: pre-existing conditions” “DT was president, inflation was low, takehome pay was high, saved ACA, worked in bipartisan way”

W: the system works; we incentivize people to be in the market